Title: paradise comes at a price
cloudytea Characters/Parings: Nikki/Miles.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The secrets of the dead are nothing new to him. For
ciaimpala. 414 words.
She’s alone in this green hell and he’s the only one who can save her.
She leans into his ear and whispers things he never expects -- Where are the diamonds, Miles, and you’ve no idea what I’ve gone through. The small velvet satchel in his pocket burns into his thigh, trying to find its way back into the hands of its mistress. When she says these things, he closes his eyes and tries to block her out -- he knows exactly what she’s gone through, the secrets of the dead are nothing new to him.
You’re dead -- his words bring tears to her eyes and they sparkle like the diamonds that were responsible for all the blood on her hands (bucketfuls, he remembers the headlines -- Successful producer found dead in his Sydney home -- he has always known better). But she never believes him and her nails claw their way up his back, leaving trails of red hate in their wake.
What the hell is keeping you here, Nikki, he says her name for the first time in the dead of night, hours after Alpert stocks off and everyone disbands to their own business. Paulo’s gone. What about you? The satchel in his pocket weighs him down, but he manages to touch the smoothness of the skin that should be decimated by dirt and dust. Her lips taste like the life that was stolen from her, the blood that no longer runs through her cold, dead veins.
You know why I’m here. Her fingertips caresses the lump in his pocket and the burning continues, even more excruciating than before. Her tongue slithers over his teeth and her eyes tell a story that she never could -- all the secrets buried with her, all the promises she never kept. Deception was the very oxygen she needed to breathe and it remains the very same way in death.
He lets her run her hands over him, over every bone, every crevasse and every scar that life has rewarded him. Her teeth bite into his shoulder and her fingers run through his hair, pulling and begging and crying her pleas. Tears roll down her pale cheeks and he brushes them away with his lips, tasting the salt with his tongue and the agony in her voice.
A rough wind tears through the jungle like a wildfire and Miles can no longer taste her wretched misery.
The diamonds are gone -- And so is she.