
Jun 13, 2003 12:37

You know what's really upsetting? I can't even claim this is the worst thing I've ever written.

Hope you enjoy.

Between the lines: A Hurt/Comfort fic

"I mean it!" said Hurt, slamming a traumatic childhood on the table for emphasis. "This time, it's over!"

Fluff rolled its gratuitous sex scenes in disbelief. "That's what you always say."

"Yes, but this time I mean it."

"That's what you always say."

Hurt snarled, mysterious emotional scars trembling in righteous indignation, "It's over. Comfort doesn't love me. What else is there to say?"

"Of course Comfort loves you."

"Oh yeah?"


"Then why does it spend half its time trying to pretend I don't exist? I can cope with it trying to change me, but sometimes I feel as if it would be happier if I weren't there at all. I'm scared to go to sleep at night in case I wake up missing a betrayal of trust."

"I'm sure it's ju-"

"And then there's the sex. I mean, sure it says it wants to mirror my rapes scenes with some healing sex for a pleasingly symmetrical emotional plot arc, but all it really wants is a roll in the hay."

Fluff nodded its witty banter in sympathy. Comfort could be insensitive at times, often having more in common with Fluff's own on-again, off-again partner, PWP, than with Hurt itself. "But Comfort needs you," it tried.


"Really. Without you, Comfort's nothing. It needs you more than you need it, and believe me, Comfort knows that."

"I know." Hurt sighed. "And when it wraps its emotionally charged unspoken promises around me, it's like I'm a whole new genre. I just don't know if that's enough."

"Well, look at it from its point of view. It sees you cozying up to Deathfic, and yet it still comes back to you. It sees you with your lingering mental pain draped all over Angst, and yet it still comes back to you. It sees you with your bereavement half way up my original character, and yet it still comes back to you. If that isn't love, what is?"

Hurt smiled weakly. Maybe Comfort did deserve another chance. After all, if it didn't work out, Deathfic would still be waiting for it.


p: hurt/comfort, sub: writing, ch: hurt, sub: emotion, ch: comfort

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