Hi - I wrote a
blog post in response to David Wong's 'Monkeysphere' article in Cracked (which is rather old now). I thought it might be of interest to someone here, and of course I'm open to input and/or criticism of my argument (although, as I point out in the post, I'm very much not an expert, just an interested amateur).
Comments 20
As long as everybody gets their own bananas and shares with the few in their Monkeysphere, the system will thrive even though nobody is even trying to make the system thrive."
I read that as being much more about the inability to make a centrally planned economy work well than about capitalism being a superior way to live. Do you know how GOSPLAN priced their goods? They based them off a Sears catalog they had.
I'm just suspicious of (what I interpret as) the 'capitalism works' rhetoric, I guess, because in actual fact there are a huge number of people who are opposed to capitalism and struggle against the inequities of the system. I saw a really interesting Noam Chomsky video earlier about that subject. He (Wong) may not be saying that capitalism is superior necessarily, but he does say 'the system will thrive', which I would take issue with personally.
But, first, some suggested articles:
Kaplan, H., Hill, K., Hurtado, A. M., & Lancaster, J. (2001). The embodied capital theory of human evolution. Reproductive ecology and human evolution (pp. 293-317). Hawthorne, New York: Aldine De Gruyter.
Kaplan, H., Hill, K., Lancaster, J., & Hurtado, A. M. (2000). A Theory of Human Life History Evolution: Diet, Intelligence, and Longevity. Evolutionary Anthropology, 9(4), 156-185.
(Explains some of the caloric production/intake regarding gender in hunter-gatherer tribes.)
Additionally, google and read up on the recent work on "Parochial Altruism".
What an evolutionary evolved adaptation does is improve the relative efficiency of the organism compared to others of its species or possibly give it some trait that has an advantage. When you talk about the "monkeysphere" concept, there's a correlation between the neocortex size (the part of the brain that's the newest, and most complex) and the number of people an individual typically can and will ( ... )
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