Genesis, again.

Jan 02, 2007 14:38

I am very bad at sticking to things. (Which is odd, considering that I was described, at one point, as being 'sticky', in French, which was entirely, exactly true). I am bad at New Years resolutions precisely because of this, and so don't tend to make them very often. This year I have three, although they're all fairly abstract: Be a better ( Read more... )

parties, caroline, huge run-on paragraphs, books in 2007, doctrine of new things, new year's eve, alison, resolutions, amusing, joe, helen

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Comments 9

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anthon1 January 2 2007, 19:11:46 UTC
Heh, fair enough. :D Dorothy's arrival was slightly unexplained, I agree; at first when the tornado happened, I thought it was the result of Ephelba tinkering with something she shouldn't, but alas, twas not to be. Have you seen the musical version?


skwidfan January 2 2007, 18:16:33 UTC
Uh oh... I'm going to have to hear about Wicked all over again.
It's rather big over here and has been for two or so years... all of my drama friends have seen the broadway production and keep trying to hassle me with it. I've also heard the 'soundtrack' which is terrifying.

However the book was rather nice :) and so are the 'sequels' and 'spinoffs'.


anthon1 January 2 2007, 19:13:26 UTC
:P I may try to track down Son of a Witch at some point, but I have loads of books from the library to work through first...


wanderlight January 3 2007, 04:31:25 UTC
I slept very badly last night, because when I tried to go to sleep I found I couldn't, and things bounced themselves around and around my head and swirled and sang and had little parties and generally tried to prevent me from nodding off, like they used to do, which irritated me.

This is pretty much exactly what I feel, quite a few nights; you've just articulated it better than I usually do. Yeah, I have some issues with insomnia. The bit that bothers me most is that during these "thinky" times, I always come up with my best ideas, and then promptly forget them upon falling asleep.

and us guys had a male bonding moment

I don't know why, but this just made me smile. :)

Oh, Wicked is such a fantastic book. ♥ I agree with everything youv'e said about it -- I wasn't sure quite what to think at first, because it was so... bizarre, you know? Out there? Not connected to any reality we know? But then I gave up and just read, and it was like a whirlwind & I enjoyed myself hugely ( ... )


Ramble anthon1 January 3 2007, 21:09:02 UTC
This is pretty much exactly what I feel, quite a few nights; you've just articulated it better than I usually do. Yeah, I have some issues with insomnia. The bit that bothers me most is that during these "thinky" times, I always come up with my best ideas, and then promptly forget them upon falling asleep.

I quite often get mine at times when I've got Things that need working through, or fixing, or decisions made about them, and the arguments will bounce back and forth in my skull over and over again until I can't escape the conclusion I've already come to, which is a mite inefficient (although it does allow me to then act on it with few qualms about wether it's the right thing, and just lets me worry about the consequences instead). In this case, I didn't really think I had any Things, and didn't find any; it was just a case of being too awake and really not ready to go to sleep yet whilst being tired, so I thought about the smaller sort of epiphanies.

What I think hooked me with Wicked was the writing; I mean, the prologue was ( ... )


Re: Ramble wanderlight January 3 2007, 21:52:53 UTC
Oh, the delicious awkwardness of that silence...

*shivers* I can't imagine having to be the one to read that aloud. I think I would probably drop dead of embarrassment, or possibly just pass out, but either way... I'm assuming your class eventually matured enough to be able to discuss? ;)

I'll go take a look at The Bloody Chamber, then -- hopefully they have it at my library. It sounds interesting, & if it's not my thing, I have a few RL friends who would like it for its unusual grittiness, I think.

Also, oddly enough, when we were given the task of doing a recreative piece in her style, and I was rooting around for inspiration, I hit upon Neil Gaiman's Monarch of the Glen - which, I later discovered, has a quote at the begning from one of the stories in The Bloody Chamber. It's a small world...)

Don't you love it when writers reference one another? It always gives me a little thrill to think, oh, he's reading what I'm reading -- (!).


Re: Ramble anthon1 January 5 2007, 15:26:09 UTC
*shivers* I can't imagine having to be the one to read that aloud. I think I would probably drop dead of embarrassment, or possibly just pass out, but either way... I'm assuming your class eventually matured enough to be able to discuss? ;)

Eventually, yes. Although we did manage to reduce various people to making inarticulate noises at several times when Ms Carter was having altoether far too much fun... :P

Don't you love it when writers reference one another? It always gives me a little thrill to think, oh, he's reading what I'm reading -- (!).

I squeed very muchly when I realised that Susanna Clarke was referencing Stardust at every available opportunity. in one of her short stories I got odd looks from the other people in the check-in queue,alas... :D


nosesaretasty January 6 2007, 22:26:26 UTC
(The alcohol - or rather, the lack of it - was very nice, actually; between thirteen of us, there was about three bottles of champagne and five cans of beer, one of which was Murphey's and no one would touch, and no one had to get drunk and do sillier things than usual, which was nice).

For New Year, we had 1 bottle of champagne between 8 of us. Sarah didn’t want hers, so I had half of it. So a glass and a half. After that I was practically asleep, yet was still able to apologise to a chair and a pair of jeans. Yes, I wasn’t even drunk! :-P

for the girls meant an excuse to wear a variety of very cool things, and everyone looked very lovely.

Ah yes, the wonders of being a girl. The amount of funkiful stuff you can wear, and still look smart! (Mum and I had a shopping spree today - I got 3 tops (2 purple, one had purple on!) and some Jeans (Purple! With a funkay belt). Meaning she called it a “good day”. Which meant that the rest of the day would be crap. Which it was. Hmph.)

We nattered and litened to music and played half a ( ... )


anthon1 January 7 2007, 16:30:13 UTC
For New Year, we had 1 bottle of champagne between 8 of us. Sarah didn’t want hers, so I had half of it. So a glass and a half. After that I was practically asleep, yet was still able to apologise to a chair and a pair of jeans. Yes, I wasn’t even drunk! :-P

*laughs* We had someone who did something like that - one of the (other) Helens was absolutely knackered, poor thing, and was curled up in a chair for about half of the evening - and she couldn't even have half a glass of champagne, because alcohol + her liver=apparently a very, very bad mix...

Ah yes, the wonders of being a girl. The amount of funkiful stuff you can wear, and still look smart!

Aye. With guys, it's pretty much a suit and a shirt and a tie. Bow-ties and waistcoats for those who want to or can carry them off. And whilst there's a big range of shirts and ties out there, it still doesn't give you much variation - which can be a blessing as much as it is a curse... :D

We had to play that, one night in between Christmas and New Year. I hate it, but my bro insisted. ( ... )


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