And sundry other odds and sods...

Jun 29, 2005 16:48

To do list:

Pack for Glasgow
Scrounge cash from the Drama Dept. via the Bursary
Get changed
Talk to Rachel :D
Do some coursework
Tidy my room
Phone Helen
Phone Grandad

& Sundry other odds and sods

to do, life

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Comments 2

djcati June 29 2005, 19:22:54 UTC
You're going to Glasgow, WTF?

... when?


... and it won't let me choose my icon why exactly? anthon1 June 30 2005, 08:47:27 UTC
I'm flying out Wednesday afternoon/evening, and leaving sometime on Saturday, as far as I know. :D

[The WTF section is rather harder to answer without a handy plethora of linkses, and I'm at school at the moment supposedly doing coursework, eep, and enjoying my newfound knowledge tht the blacklist has been downsized so that LJ is no longer on it, but will see what I can do...)

The short story is that I'm volunteering with Special Olympics at the games this year.

Technically, however, that's a lie. :D What I'm actually doing is dogsbodying for Openning Eyes (or at least the UK section) which is a charity that provides free eyecare and glasses and stuff for the athletes. (This gives a simpler, clearer explanation of what they do, I think, though it's obviously icial site; it just came up when I googled...) My dad's been involved for ages, and as I'm now old enough to be useful, I got press-ganged volunteered... :D


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