Entry for Luceti

Nov 09, 2011 17:02

[ It’s a typical day for him aside from the fact that he has a mission to go on today. Not that he’s told anyone about it, still suffering some lasting effects of Halloween’s fiasco being a burden on anyone would only make things worse. If he can help it he won’t. If becoming a shift tester would help others then, well, he’d like to do it. Mainly though Helios will be heading down the stairs from the room not having heard Giles come back home last night. He is a bit worried and even left a note for the other stating where he went on the door but, well, he’ll also be fiddling with the journal in his hand. Perhaps he should tell Frederic and Robert as well just so they don’t worry.

But we all know how bad Helios is with these things despite the amount of time he uses them. An accidental touch and being in the wrong place at the wrong time can lead to…well interesting conversations picked up, especially in Luceti. The voice function turns on just as he gets close enough for the journal to pick up, well, one arguing voice; the other participant hardly capable of such feats if by only through miracles or shifting alone neither of which were present at the moment. ]
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