Title: Blood Lust
Author: anthanonymous
Pairing: GinShinsouKira (it works so well, it’s creepy)
Notes/Warnings: Just a short one this time. I scared myself writing this because I’m gay like that. My response to the “GinKira Dubcon, D/S, Bloodplay” prompt over at distilled’s Kink Meme (is that thing still alive?). Enjoy!
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I own Bleach in the planet Jupiter.
Kira stared at the mirror, morbidly mesmerized by what he saw. He was so pale and skinny with faint scars riddling his body here and there. What could have possibly drawn his Captain to him, he wondered. He looked so weak and frail, like he couldn’t breathe on his own and yet…
Yet his Captain said he was beautiful.
How odd.
“Yer beautiful, Izuru…” Gin would say, smiling and pressing down on Shinsou, letting the blade bite deeper into his Kira’s pale skin, deep enough to draw blood, until the blond whimpered and begged for his Captain to stop because there were other things Gin could do to his body and as much as he loved this he wanted more.
Gin would chuckle low in his throat as his Vice-Captain shook with need, panting and moaning and whispering ‘taichou, taichou’ until Gin touched him just right and he would scream in pain, pleasure or both.
Shinsou would watch the whole tableau silently and even join in when Gin felt that Kira just wasn’t being loud enough and he and his master would both love every minute of it, every delicious second, because they think Kira is at his loveliest when he’s bleeding in a few places, twisting, squirming and arching up into their lethal touch.
They couldn’t get enough of it.
And later when their lovely, lovely Izuru wouldn't be able to move a muscle, limp and pliant from their earlier activities, they would listen to his heartbeat slow and his breathing return to normal, and Gin would touch his face and his hair, kiss him and lick the blood off his sweet skin until the boy fell asleep and they could both watch his body heal slowly.
“Yer beautiful just like this, Izuru.” Gin would whisper in the darkness and Shinsou, smiling the way his master did, would whole-heartedly agree.
a/n: Hmm..I think that’s the last of the GinKira Kink prompts I told myself I would do. *shivers* Honestly, where do I get this shit? That’s it, I’m all porned out. *shrivels up and dies*