A Long Way North

Jan 25, 2016 23:41

Hello. I haven't quite fallen off the face of the internet, though I may have been temporarily seduced by an anime fandom on tumblr. Ahem. Moving swiftly on. Anyway, look at this! I so want to see this film. Beautiful boats and beautiful animation. What more could I ask for?!

image Click to view

Doesn't it look gorgeous? :)

ships, film, art

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Comments 8

vespican January 26 2016, 00:35:32 UTC
Enticing... more so if I spoke French.


anteros_lmc January 26 2016, 22:12:45 UTC
Huh. That's weird. I thought I had embedded the subtitled version, but apparently not! I've changed the link and you should be able to see the subtitled trailer now :)


vespican January 27 2016, 00:24:44 UTC
Ahhh, makes a bit more sense now. Still I liked the visual effects, even in the first version.


anteros_lmc January 30 2016, 20:40:32 UTC
The visual style is lovely isn't it?


katriona_s January 26 2016, 12:46:13 UTC
Beautiful! It's quite gorgeous though I could understand none of the lines XD


anteros_lmc January 26 2016, 22:14:54 UTC
See my comment to Dave above, I thought I had embedded the subtitled trailer but apparently not. Fixed it now! Have another look, it's lovely :)


eglantine_br January 26 2016, 23:42:20 UTC
Reminds me of Spirited Away, sort of crossed with The Golden Compass, if that makes any sense... Just gorgeous.

And I like the idea of the girl bringing their ship luck! About time someone said that.


anteros_lmc January 30 2016, 21:21:13 UTC
Yes! That's exactly what it made me think of :)

Sacha looks awesome doesn't she? She reminds me a bit of Loud Emily. Remember her? :)


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