Christmas on hold

Dec 23, 2015 19:37

Hey folks, remember me? I know some of you do because you've sent me wonderful Christmas cards and gifts :) Thank you all so much, consider yourselves all hugged and kissed ( Read more... )

real life, christmas

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Comments 10

esteven December 23 2015, 19:42:40 UTC
Oh honey, please do be careful and try not to stress yourself, certainly not about any card or presents. I will keep my fingers crossed that you will recover soon, and can have a relaxed Christmas and a health-filled 2016


anteros_lmc December 25 2015, 00:03:29 UTC
Thank you my dear. I already feel much better today thank you, though I'm still not quite up to par.


esteven December 25 2015, 14:30:17 UTC
I hope you will continue to get better. Just take it easy and do not think you can rebuild the world in a day or two... *frowns in your direction*

Have sent an e-card :)

Please be well soon.


vespican December 24 2015, 02:19:18 UTC
Get well soon!


anteros_lmc December 25 2015, 00:04:04 UTC
Thanks Dave! Hope you have a lovely Christmas :)


mylodon December 24 2015, 11:14:13 UTC
You poor lamb. Get well soon and don't worry about our cards and the like - think of it as a good thing, making Christmas last longer!



anteros_lmc December 25 2015, 00:07:52 UTC
Don't worry, I'm definitely on the mend now! Thank you for your pressie, it's under the tree being pawed by curious cats! You can look forward to a surprise! New Year present :}


katriona_s December 24 2015, 13:53:48 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that! Of course your friends can wait! Please take care of you and get well soon!


anteros_lmc December 25 2015, 00:09:42 UTC
Thank you, I'm feeling much better already. Thank you for your lovely gift! The calendar is *adorable* and daughter enjoyed eating most of the sweeties while I was still confined to bed :} I'm afraid your gift will be late, but hopefully a little parcel will reach you in the New Year.


aletheiafelinea December 25 2015, 16:45:59 UTC
Ow, poor you. :( Sending careful hugs!


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