Title: The Silver Razor: Kingston
Author: Anteros
Characters: Bush, Kennedy
Rating: G
Notes: Another instalment of the (very!) occasional
Silver Razor series. In one way or another, this is also related to
Bush had given up shortly after midnight; he knew this was one battle he couldn’t win )
Comments 8
I am going to think about this little piece overnight. Maybe I will think of something intelligent to say. For now, it aches.
But what is it he'll need? The razor or the friend? Either way, it's typical of Archie to be thinking of Horatio right to the bitter end. You're right about his practicality and directness, it's what kept him alive this long.
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Your fic is more than 'well done'...
Think about it: you have to shave someone who will not outlive the next 24 hours...
I know. It really doesn't bear thinking about...
Archie is a hero. But I fear for Bush and Horatio.
Indeed. Archie fears for Horatio too, that's why he knows he will need Bush's friendship.
Lovely, but...sniff.
*passes large spotted handkerchief*
This is so sad, and so lovely, all at once. It's a quiet story, and all the better for it. Both men, doing what they can--all they can, really--for the man to whom they are both devoted.
So much is left unspoken, as it should be...you show it to us in these last hours far better than it could be defined in words.
Beautiful. Enviable!
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