Grey rocks and greyer sea

Oct 03, 2013 21:44

Apparently it's National Poetry Day here in the UK. (Is it me, or do these things come around rather frequently?!) Anyway, never mind, it gives me a good excuse to post this rather bitter sweet poem by Canadian poet Charles G. D. Roberts.

Grey rocks and greyer seaGrey rocks, and greyer sea ( Read more... )

poetry, pairing: hornblower/kennedy

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Comments 9

eglantine_br October 3 2013, 20:56:41 UTC
Like a punch in the throat. Wow.

We need some heavy LKU and LBU to counteract that!


anteros_lmc October 5 2013, 11:30:58 UTC
It's deceptively powerful isn't it? It's almost verging on the twee but it really packs a punch. I find that the words linger too, it sticks in my head like a song.


amaraal October 4 2013, 10:42:41 UTC


anteros_lmc October 5 2013, 11:32:29 UTC
*hands amaraal large spotted handkerchief*


amaraal October 5 2013, 14:49:05 UTC
Thanks! *sniffles only a bit* I knew this one and it reminds me never to watch 'Retribution' again...


mylodon October 4 2013, 12:19:46 UTC
It would. Less is always more in poetry and this says huge amounts in just a few words. Luvverly.


anteros_lmc October 5 2013, 11:33:34 UTC
It's lovely isn't it? Simple but really powerful.


nodbear October 5 2013, 10:32:14 UTC
but yes - the phrase grey grief map is one I heard a long time ago and found eloquent


anteros_lmc October 5 2013, 11:36:04 UTC
Yes, grey grief map, that captures the same feeling perfectly.


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