In which today is yesterday.

Dec 03, 2012 05:25

Wrote this Sunday (aka yesterday) & forgot to post. I write a lot of stuff like this and then look over it and say, whoa, that's a lot of wittering and then I delete it all. Mostly it goes unmourned.

Weather: It rained a lot overnight in the SF Bay Area last night. Parts of San Francisco got a little soggy. The storm drain system overall gets a ( Read more... )

weather, life, geek

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Comments 2

anni_q December 3 2012, 16:05:54 UTC
Heh. Hopefully my friends will have forgotten the long, plaintive lecture I gave on the way home from the last movie on "The Significance of the White Tree and Why It Can't Be Left Out or Minimized to Such a Degree," and will still allow me to go see The Hobbit with them.


stexgirl2000 December 3 2012, 18:41:03 UTC
We too have made plans to see The Hobbit part 1, although The Husband and I are both going "Two movies we can understand, but three? Hmm...we'll see."

The rain yesterday was not fun to drive in, not at all.

Good point about 1998. That was a very wet winter, to the point that I wondered if we needed a kayak and was happy that we didn't take the apartment near a creek.


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