Doctor Who s06e13

Oct 01, 2011 13:59

Can haz sane fannish discussion about this plot resolution? What did you think? What did you enjoy? What did you not so enjoy?

Expect spoilers in the comments.

fandom:doctor who

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Comments 34

fuzzyboo03 October 1 2011, 23:30:18 UTC
My reaction can be summed up thusly: Moffat, you utter troll! You sat there and giggled and told us all it was the Doctor, it wasn't a clone.

1. I loved the open, though I twigged immediately that time was collapsing onto itself.

2. So much love for Rory. "We're married, that's our daughter." "Ok"

3. Amy Pond, superhero after all. I don't think she would have been where she was in this episode without the memory of old!Amy.

4. So many spectacular character moments. I particularly adored the scene between River and Amy, which was so long in coming.

5. The wedding. With the necktie. So much love for them.

6. I'm turning around and rewatching it right this moment.


antennapedia October 2 2011, 00:43:09 UTC
Moffat, you utter troll!

Yes yes yes yes yes! He so trolled us.


fuzzyboo03 October 2 2011, 00:50:56 UTC
What's really kind of spectacular, when you watch it a second time, is that the entire time, the _entire_ time, the Doctor was inside the tesselector, and acting like the only thing to do was die. He was lying to everyone the entire time, up until he married River. And that's...very interesting. I love that Moffat is exploring this part of the Doctor's character.

(And I still want to know why the TARDIS was blowing up, dammit!)


wyomingnot October 2 2011, 00:41:48 UTC
Hm. Guess I need to catch up on my viewing. Only seen a couple eps since it came back. Oops.


antennapedia October 2 2011, 00:42:45 UTC
It's been a whole lot of fun these half season! Check it!


gryffens October 2 2011, 00:58:13 UTC
I read in a review that this season feels like the second book in a trilogy, and I reckon that's about right. Luckily I have honed my patience on slow-writing fantasy authors and don't mind waiting until next year to resolve dangling plot threads - so long as they do!

I find it really interesting the way they've set up the Doctor and River so they have lots of chemistry, but often it doesn't seem like he genuinely likes her. Which is understandable, given the encounters he's had with her so far, but I hope they get some warmth some time during the next season.


antennapedia October 2 2011, 03:53:19 UTC
Hmm, interesting point! I ponder it.

One of the things missing from any Doctor/River encounters in the past two seasons has been any sense of stillness. There has been no time for warmth. It's always in the middle of some frenetic chase or escape or problem-solving madness.


misswitch October 2 2011, 01:00:12 UTC
I liked it, but I feel a bit cheated. Not because of the tesseract!Doctor - I loved that - but of something else I can't quite put my finger on.


antennapedia October 2 2011, 03:50:58 UTC
The simplicity of the resolutions? It assembled existing elements, didn't add new ones. And Canton Delaware didn't turn out to matter after all. I dunno. Needs a rewatch.


misswitch October 2 2011, 04:33:36 UTC
As I just mentioned on twitter, I just figured out why I feel cheated - because the plot of this season finale is almost exactly the same as last season's.


secondalto October 2 2011, 02:24:05 UTC
I totally loved the shout out to the Brig. Very nice touch.

tesselated!Doctor, I half twigged to that when the tesselated monk asked if there was anything they could do.

River/Doctor flirting and wedding! Give me more of that.

I'm with you on needing convincing about the question. But it makes me wonder about his name, we've been teased about that for a while now, the importance of his name. Or maybe it has something to do with the Time Lords. In either case, I look forward to seeing it all solved.

I think Rory and 11 are my favorite friendship. I just love Rory.


antennapedia October 2 2011, 15:29:36 UTC
I think the question about his name has been right there since the very first serial, which makes it the oldest question, sure yeah. But why is it universe-shattering?

The Doctor is like Zaphod Beeblebrox: living in a pocket universe in which he is the single most important thing. Yes, he's the title character of his show, but really, let's allow the wider universe to have some believable perspective.

But I'm sure we'll find out.

Also <3 Rory!


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