We'd like to clarify the previous clarification...

Jul 19, 2007 15:54

Some LJ rep who is obviously neither a lawyer nor a professional spokesperson posted a clarification of LJ's policies on unacceptable material. A Six Apart legal rep then un-usefully commented. Read them, if you aren't already sick to death of the topic.

My opinions, shockingly, within... )

obscenity, meta

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Comments 22

lostgirlslair July 19 2007, 23:05:40 UTC
That's the way I'm reading it, but after all this crap, I just don't trust LJ to know what they're doing. I don't want to move. I'm lazy, and, until all this began, content on LJ, but they are sorely trying my patience. Plus? These blow ups are doing nothing for my general stress level.

Plus? Today was my SoG day, damnit. ::pouts like a whiny two-year-old::


antennapedia July 20 2007, 18:27:53 UTC
Yesterday was your SOG day, and you wrote G/Wes that pushed all my buttons. Guh. (You keep doing that, you know.) Must scurry over and leave comment saying so...


lostgirlslair July 23 2007, 06:06:04 UTC
Oh, I'm glad you liked it, sweetie! Mostly I was just whining cause I was excited about my SOG day and then all that shit happened. ::laughs::


secondalto July 19 2007, 23:12:50 UTC
I'm with you on the underage smut thing, one story only, but it was (in my opinion) necessary for the storytelling. I usually get squicked trying to write underage stuff, it's just....wiggy.

But I agree that LJ is being deliberately vague and causing a lot of undue stress/wank throughout fandom.


antennapedia July 20 2007, 18:26:14 UTC
LJ/SixApart is going through the same learning curve every big service provider before them has had to go through, about content and managing a huge unruly user base. Which unaccountably is human, and obsessed with sex in unseemly ways that shock these companies every darn time. Even though humans are actually kinda predictable about this. *headdesk*


nutterbudgie July 20 2007, 00:48:15 UTC
Meh. Everybody move up here, we'll have tea & buttertarts.

I have nothing useful to say, I will lurk wherever there is good fic to be read. This may be the prob, maybe they(rule-writers) can't read :(


antennapedia July 20 2007, 18:18:24 UTC
I think the sheer volume of stuff posted on LJ every day is way too much to read :) But tea sounds like a nice idea. Mine with milk and one lump, please.


xdawnfirex July 20 2007, 03:18:42 UTC
I am not leaving LJ, particularly not after having just shelled out for a permanent account.

That said... I, too, have one story with underage sexual content in it. It was the first B/G story I ever wrote, before I realized that underage Buffy is generally frowned upon in the shipping community. I have since removed every iteration of this story that I can find from the Internet.

I don't think fandom really has a lot to worry about... I really think most people are making mountains of a molehill. But then, one never knows, does one?


antennapedia July 20 2007, 18:17:01 UTC
I think you possibly overreacted in removing it; textual fiction is just not something you should worry about. People are overly freaked, I think.


xdawnfirex July 20 2007, 23:00:49 UTC
Possibly, but I removed it years ago - in fact, about 3 years ago - for RL reasons. I have since made the decision to keep it down and only share it with truly interested parties. It's not very good anyway, so it's no great loss.


nemaihne July 20 2007, 05:25:41 UTC
I have no adult stories posted anywhere general audiences can get to them, but I find capitulation to be annoying at very best. I'd say move if only because I'd say a vast majority of the paid accounts on LJ are fanfic writers.
Of course, I'm too cheap to lay out for one so maybe I'm wrong.


antennapedia July 20 2007, 18:15:56 UTC
Their subsequent clarification seems to indicate they didn't intend to freak fandom out. This Burr86 dude is getting a hard lesson in customer communication. Which is why mostly companies hire professionals to do it. Why these guys haven't, I dunno.


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