An assortment of items for a Friday

Jun 08, 2007 09:28

This LJ code release means the death of memories. Unless you need more than 1000 entries in a tag, that is. The report says something about their implementation: they cache the last N entries tagged, as tags are added; the cache is permanent and not (say) lazily evaluated as tag-pages are requested. I wonder why there's a limit at all. Can easily ( Read more... )

pets, life, geek

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Comments 10

hobgoblinn June 8 2007, 16:43:57 UTC
rats? really? Mice I can see, but I can't imagine a kitten taking on a rat. When I was a kid, they tore up a wooded area behind my house to build an apartment complex, and the um-- wildlife-- moved to our ancient garage/barn. The cats, full grown, watched as Rats came up in broad daylight and ate from their food bowl. This was in the days before responsible pet owners kept beasts inside-- besides, half of these were more strays we fed and socialized. Course, these were also Big rats.

I found a few decapitated mice in our old place. Wonder why that's the part they eat first? At any rate, I sympathize.



antennapedia June 8 2007, 17:31:15 UTC
When I say "Kitten", what I mean is "giant full-sized cat who now weighs more than her Uncle The Cat". And when I say "rat", I mean what was probably a wood rat. It was far too large to be a mouse, but not as giant as the Norwegian rat.

They eat the heads first, yeah. I have no idea why. UGH.


ljs June 8 2007, 16:45:42 UTC
Ack for Rats and Cats finding them!



antennapedia June 8 2007, 17:27:27 UTC
And for dogs scavenging them. Ulch.


mireille719 June 8 2007, 16:51:14 UTC
This LJ code release means the death of memories.

I don't think it does, actually. I mean, it may, in the sense that LJ may decide not to continue supporting the memory function, but it doesn't remove the usefulness of memories.

(1) You can add things to your memories that are not in your LJ. I can't tag your posts. I can put them in my memories, though. (Yes, I could use, but I'm comparing LJ's memories to LJ's tags. It's meaningless to say "LJ raising the tag limit to 1000 makes the memory function outdated because you can use") I can use *your* tags to view things, but maybe I don't like your (generic you) tagging system. Or maybe I want to see *all* of the Hiro/Ando fic from LJ that I like, all at once, instead of visiting person A's hiro/ando tag, ad then person B's, and so on.

(2) Memories give just that single-line description. For things like crack_van, where the memory description is the title and author of the fic being recced, that's much, much more useful than clicking on, say, the "x-files" tag and ( ... )


antennapedia June 8 2007, 17:25:50 UTC
I was thinking mostly in terms of giles_fic_recs, which until this change was in danger of going over the tag limit in two categories (gen & giles/buffy). There are several reasons why I will now need a severe attack of boredom before I finish turning Giles fic recs into memories:

- At most five memory-tags per entry. Many fic recs posts need more than that. I've memoried a couple that needed twice that. No such limitation on tags ( ... )


mireille719 June 9 2007, 01:00:19 UTC
Ah, and see, because of the way you phrased it, I was unaware that you were thinking of a specific application. (I won't say that I'm not disappointed re: the memories in giles_fic_recs, but I'll continue doing what I have always done, which is to say bookmarking the things for my own purposes so that I can find them later, because I find tags not all that useful ( ... )


antennapedia June 9 2007, 01:25:57 UTC's tags implementation is one of those "three-quarters of the way to actually good" implementations that fires me up as a programmer and makes me go nuts to do it right. The first thing one notices about tags is that they need to be comma-delimited, not space-delimited. The second is that tags needs optional hierarchy immediately. Delicious's hierarchy is cosmetic only, and not represented in any way in their API. (I had to add tag structure through decorators when I wrote my Giles-Watching post generator. Which turns out to have been one of the best uses of my time recently-- makes posting trivial ( ... )


nemaihne June 8 2007, 20:14:50 UTC
And some part of me has to wonder if you put the cut up to protect your resident ratophile. ;)
I feel for you. My parents used to have a pack of cats and cheery, yellow kitchen linoleum. It made for a bad combination since the cats were astute enough to realize that food preparation should always be done in the kitchen. They'd bring everything in live and take care of it there, with a result somewhere between Jackson Pollock and Stephen King. I didn't eat breakfast for years...


antennapedia June 8 2007, 21:25:28 UTC
Any time I write about rodent death, I think about you. Mina is out of control, to be honest. She has a Cream Entitlement Issue. She's a smart kitteh, as you have observed. She has gone from deducing that the sound of coffee being poured means impending cream to deducing that the sound of coffee beans being ground means impending cream. And she appears to be a bottomless pit when it comes to cream, milk, butter, cheese, or anything dairy.


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