Rupertus Domesticus master list

Jan 15, 2007 07:40

Way back when during the summer_of_giles, cheesygirl posted the spiciest, tastiest, raciest icon I ever saw: Rupertus Domesticus. Rupert Giles, bashing potatoes. And now, this icon has inspired deathless prose!

Rupertus Domesticus Sightings
+ empressvesica: The Morning After the Night Before - Faith/Giles implied, FRT
+ empressvesica: Giles, In His Kitchen, With a Potato Masher - Faith/Giles, FRT
+ Lori aka ljs: "The Art of Tea" - Giles/Anya, AU Season Seven (diverging from canon after "Showtime"), FRM
+ glimmergirl: Paterfamilias - Giles/Wesley, FRC
+ blueanddollsome: Four Things That Never Happened to Giles in a Kitchen, and One That Might've - Giles/Jenny, Willow, FRT
+ alexao: Daily Bread - genfic, FRT
+ allyndra: The Whole Day Down - Giles/Xander, FRT
+ antennapedia: Gas-ring Alchemy - Giles/Ethan, FRM
+ antennapedia: Risotto - Giles/Xander, FRT
+ raysgal: Cooking With Rupert - Giles/Buffy-ish, FRT
+ theblackmare: Blood Oranges - gen, FRT
+ antennapedia: Slow Rise - Giles/Xander, FRM
+ sahiya: Turkey Soup - gen, FRT

If you too have found the Domestic Rupert inspirational:
Post your story or stories anywhere you like.
In a comment here, mention your story title, pairing, rating if it's adult, and the link.
I'll add it to the master list.

There's no time limit. Any time you want to contribute a story is fine. This kitchen doesn't close. There weren't any sign-ups, so if your muse has been awakened, go for it!

rupertus domesticus, ficathon, challenge

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