Fic postmortem for "Breaking Glass"

Oct 21, 2006 12:08

"Breaking Glass": Part 1 / Part 2(It's de-friendlocked now, though I don't think I've finished tweaking. My impatience won the battle ( Read more... )

story:breaking glass, postmortem

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Comments 7

nemaihne October 21 2006, 20:05:57 UTC
Megalo so loves you to help you out like that. Next time, though, I think you need him to wear the midieval outfit as well...


antennapedia October 22 2006, 00:04:04 UTC
Please do not traumatize me with such images.

He's in the garage doing something with the router that has alarmed the Kitten. I believe he's making me a BPAL imp rack. I think this behavior needs to be rewarded.


mireille719 October 22 2006, 00:51:34 UTC
I will read the fic as soon as I get a chance (deadline and (metaphorical) fires to put out beckon), but I wanted to check in and find out if part 2 is linkable yet on the ficathon masterlist?)


antennapedia October 22 2006, 00:54:03 UTC
Yes! Totally linkable now.


mireille719 October 22 2006, 00:57:08 UTC
Excellent! The fic is bookmarked on my title bar to remind me that if I'm a good girl and get my work done, I can have a treat. :)


clavally October 25 2006, 13:53:57 UTC
Sorry it took me so long to get a chance to read this! I'm not a big fan of slash, so I find I have to wait until the mood strikes to read. Glad I did read! Loved your use of imagery and setting the tone. In particular, I enjoyed the descriptions of the weather and how Ethan tasted after eating.

Even though it's early, you can still see the beginnings of Giles's slide into darker stuff and Ethan's effect on him. Well done.


antennapedia October 25 2006, 20:07:30 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad it worked for you.

I didn't think of the story as particularly slashy. I'm not sure exactly what I mean by that. Hmm. It was more an attempt to explore Giles' past than a thing focusing on Giles with another guy, is I guess what I mean. Which seems to have been what you enjoyed about it, which is cool.


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