Title: Scratch (2/12)
Characters: John Hart, Blowfish, Woman from KKBB, many OCs
Rating: Hard NC-17 for murder, rape, edgeplay, drug trafficking, and mentions of kink.
Summary: John Hart recruits the Blowfish to act as his bodyguard as he travels about time and space.
Disclaimer: John Hart, the Blowfish, and all other canon characters are property
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Comments 19
I wasn't looking for the song. I'll look on the next read.
I'm horribly bad with references unless I've written them myself but I'll be sure to pay more attention.
Also... you've kicked my mind into interpretation overdrive on the whole Faust analogy....
Guns and poodles, indeed.
This is wonderful! I love the touches from the very beginning - the little signals - that show that this is a very bad idea for poor Fjoaan. And I really love the voluptuous and lavish description of Hart's ship.
Really high-class yachts are furnished like the Light-bearer. Things are smaller and every inch of free space is used for storage or similar, but they are very, very opulent indeed.
I've been living with these kiwis too long. I know there's an uh-beg-a at the end, but all I heard was "root." Which around here means "fuck."
Yeah, it's a Beavis and Butthead kind of day down here.
...and a space poodle named Laaessy?!?!? Are you trying to kill me!?
Oh, poor, poor Fjoaan Tsuhn... he is in so far over his head.
AS for the song, the only thing that I can think of is that the opening line, along with the opulent description of the ship makes me think of "Sympathy for the Devil."
I thought a space poodle named Lassie was too good to resist. That said, she's a bad, bad doggie indeed, which we'll find out later.
And nope, nothing by the rolling stones. The second word from the title of the song in the fic itself, and like I said, if you know what you're looking for, it's blindingly obvious.
I think all you need to know of the Faust myth can be summarized as fool makes deal with the devil to get money/sex/forbidden knowledge/power/whatever, deal goes bad, fool tries to get away, devil gets him.
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