
Jul 21, 2012 17:04

Открыто новое сообщество по профессиональной принадлежности, rusam_nurses, для русскоязычных медсестер, студенток, и младшего мед. персонала. Присоединяйтесь!

ЗЫ. В удовольствием добавлю врачей, респираторных технологов, фармацевтов, физических терапевтов итд.

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Comments 8

farideh July 21 2012, 21:57:44 UTC
Спасибо, за такое замечательное сообщество! Я подошла к вопросу с особым интузиазмом, аж два раза нажала на запрос, извини.


ant_fugue July 21 2012, 23:27:59 UTC
No problem, and I also made you a moderator since I mostly work night shift. I hope it's OK - let me know if you want me to take you out.

You can probably use that as leadership experience (if you need any) in your resume unless you have other awesome things to put there.


farideh July 22 2012, 03:40:22 UTC
I don't mind. This leadership expirience will be a good practice for my upcoming leadership expirience during the semester:)))


journalena July 22 2012, 04:32:05 UTC
o, spasibo! Prisoedinyayus
POchemu u tebya v zhurnale kapcha?


ant_fugue July 22 2012, 04:34:05 UTC
I am not sure why I have kpatcha for friends. I had to add it for non-friends at some point because there were porn attacks in LJ.


ant_fugue July 22 2012, 04:54:45 UTC
DO you mean there is kaptcha in rusam_nurses? I will go fix it then.


journalena July 22 2012, 13:51:51 UTC
no. It is in your personal LJ


docvtumane July 22 2012, 05:14:26 UTC
хорошая идея. Можно к вам? (правда, толку от меня...особенно после смены...)


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