
Sep 20, 2010 07:08

by jedusor

Within This Box


Hikaru wandered around the room, shaking hands and chatting with some of the competitors. He didn't usually have time to attend amateur tournaments these days, but Morishita had asked him to come as a personal favor, and the International Amateur Go Tournament was more interesting than most of them. There were people from sixty-three countries in attendance this year. Morishita informed everyone who would listen that this was twelve more than they'd gotten the year before Hikaru and Waya had become pro, and that clearly the presence of strong youth in the pro leagues was increasing the popularity of the game worldwide. Because of this, Hikaru and Waya had spent the weekend attempting to avoid him.

"Enjoying yourself?" Touya came up next to Hikaru and wrapped an arm around his waist. A few people gaped, but in the covert way that meant they'd read the Go Weekly articles, not the open way that meant they were actually surprised. Hikaru had gotten used to both kinds of stares by now.

"Eh," said Hikaru, shrugging. "They're not very good."

Touya laughed. "Do you know what the word 'amateur' means, Shindou?"

"I mean, even for amateurs they don't seem very good."

"Have you tried playing the one from China? Li Lishin? He's not bad at all."

"Ooh, where is he?" Hikaru peered around the room, searching for a face that looked Chinese.

"Over here, last I saw him." Touya steered Hikaru toward the lobby area, where people had begun to congregate after the day's matches were over. Several competitors were sitting and standing around a cluster of plush armchairs and couches in a corner. Isumi was with them. He caught sight of Hikaru and Touya and began making his way toward them, smiling.

Touya gestured toward the group. "Li is the one in the white shirt, over by..."

Suddenly Touya stopped talking, and Hikaru stopped walking. One of the competitors had just said the name "Sai."


Shindou had frozen. Akira glanced at him, concerned but still curious as to whether his reaction would yield any hints to the mystery behind his connection with the name.

Isumi approached them. "Shindou? Are you all right?"

"I--I'm fine." Shindou flashed a weak imitation of his usual grin, and came closer to the group. Behind him, Akira exchanged worried glances with Isumi. The two of them knew Shindou better than anyone, but he still refused to tell them anything about Sai.

A red-haired American was talking. "I know it's been years, but I still look for him every time I sign on. It's kind of a ritual for me, I guess.

"I have kifu of every game I ever saw him play," said a blond man. "Thirty-eight games. That's how many I recorded. And let me tell you, recording those kifu improved my game immensely."

A chorus of pleas for copies arose. The blond raised his hands placatingly. "All right, all right, I'll put them online."

"I think I became a better player just from watching him," said a woman from Taiwan.

"It's inspiring, how much he improved over the course of just a month or two," said the American. "I felt like I had hit a plateau, like I was as good as I was going to get, and watching him play made me realize that no matter how good I am, I can always get better."

"I wonder who he was," said someone else. There was a brief silence.

Li Lishin spoke up. "I doubt he's coming back. I think he's gone for good. But he touched us all with his genius, and though he was only among us for a short time, I think we all feel privileged to have seen his games."

Shindou squeezed Akira tightly around the waist.


Isumi felt Shindou take his hand. He looked over, surprised. Shindou and Touya had been open about their relationship for months, but neither of them had ever shown affection to him in public before. It was bad enough publicity for both of them having just one boyfriend.

The look on Shindou's face made it clear that this wasn't affection, it was survival. "Room. Now," Shindou whispered.

They managed to get him up to Touya's hotel room. The tournament was in Tokyo, but Touya was wealthy enough that he usually got a room for these events anyway, fortunately for the current circumstances. Shindou sat on the edge of the bed, elbows on his knees, head down so they couldn't see his face. Touya sat next to him, and Isumi knelt in front of him, still holding his hand.

After a moment, Shindou raised his head. "I'm sorry, I just got... taken off guard. Please don't ask me questions. I need to think about something else." He met Isumi's gaze straight on, a plea in his eyes.

Isumi wasn't at all sure that was what he needed, but he could tell that trying to be sensitive and get him to talk would be futile. Shindou leaned forward and kissed him, harsh and slow, and he gave in and kissed back. Shindou was fumbling for Touya's belt buckle, and Touya was pulling off his pants and moving around behind Shindou to kiss his neck.

"Shindou?" murmured Isumi, against his lips.

"Please, Isumi, please," gasped Shindou, and unzipped his fly in case it wasn't clear what he was asking for. Touya straddled him from behind and shifted forward until Shindou's pants were on the floor and Shindou was sitting on his lap. Isumi bent his head down, taking Shindou's cock in his mouth. Shindou grabbed his hair in one hand and used the other to fish around in his pocket for a tiny bottle, which he shoved blindly behind him for Touya to use.

Isumi sucked Shindou, slow and shallow, while Touya loosened him with his fingers. The moment Touya slid in, Isumi began deep-throating. Shindou moaned so loudly that he would have worried about waking their neighbors if it hadn't been two in the afternoon. It took Shindou about two minutes to come, and Touya only a few more thrusts after that.

Touya and Shindou collapsed backwards onto the bed. Isumi crawled up on Shindou's other side and slipped an arm under his head.

"Isumi, you want--"

Isumi shook his head. "This is about you, Shindou."

Shindou eyed his crotch. "But you're hard."

"That's because you two are hot." Isumi smiled. "I'll be fine."

"Okay." Shindou curled up against him, and Touya pressed his body against Shindou's back. Isumi lay a protective arm across both of them.

After ten minutes of silence, Shindou said, "I'm glad that one guy got the kifu."

Isumi had no idea why the anonymous internet Go player affected Shindou so much, but Touya nodded as if he knew what was going on. "Our Go is what matters of us, and our Go will be remembered," he said softly.

Shindou turned his head, looking suspicious of another attempt to extract the secret, but Touya's eyes were closed and his face was peaceful. "Yeah," he said finally. "Yeah, his Go will be remembered."

round 010, sub: jedusor

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