Title: Daily Life in the Seirin Basketball Club (Seirin Basket Bu no Nichijou)
Circle: otomezaryuuseigun/Mika
Pairing: KagaKuro, KiyoHyuu
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 18
Notes: reading this, I feel so sorry for the straight members of the club. But then again, I don't because it must be nice to get a free show like that every day...
You know, I really am kind of fond of KiyoHyuu. This doujinshi kind of solidified that. I love how Kiyoshi is still smiling and cheerful as he tells Kagami and Kuroko, "Ah, done already? Need anything?" while he and Hyuuga are obviously still going at it. Kagami's soul flying out of his body -- haha there need to be more places that happens, it made me seriously lol
And of course the smex was really hawt...I really like how this girl reverses Kagami and Kuroko (cuz in the other AoKagaKuro one, Kuroko topped). I'm glad that it's not set, and I'm glad that the traditional views of BL (there being one seme and one uke and for those roles to always be set in stone when they're together as that pair) are changing (since that's...not really realistic in my eyes). Of course I'm sure there are people out there, whether they be gay or het or whatever, that are content being one or the other, but I'm not one of them so seeing it reflected even in doujinshi is a nice change.
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