Title: The Book Where Me and Aomine-kun Tweak Kagami-kun's Nipples (Boku to Aomine-kun de Kagami-kun no tkb wo prpr Shimakuru Hon)
Circle: Rebellion (+ RRO, archea)
Pairing: KuroAoKaga (Kuroko's first just because he's more aggressive)
Rating: extremely NC-17
Pages: 29
Notes: *sigh* What can I say? It's 29 pages of nipple play with Kagami as the unfortunate lab rat.
Honestly...first impression I had was, "Damn hey, look, this is 110% pr0n. And lookit all those sfxes - if somebody wants this translated / scanlated, THEY CAN ASK SOMEONE ELSE."
I wasn't so ashamed when I bought this in the store. Yeah, it was kind of racy but hey, I didn't really get what 'tkb' was at the time (it's the romanization of 乳首(ちくび), AKA nipples). I thought for the entire time it meant '特別 (とくべつ)', but then I thought about it and it didn't make sense, because that would be 'tkbt'.
And then I opened the book, looked for a coherent story like I always do, and found...yeah there was one that was heavily slathered with Kuroko lusting after Kagami's nipples the whole time. I thought a lot of it was unbelievable (like the tentacle ukiyoe I saw in my Japanese art class back when I was a student), and kind of mean actually - I mean, Kuroko toying with them after it becomes really clear that Kagami's uncomfortable? I think they'd get kinky together but not...harmful... - but hey, what'm I to say? Somebody out there will probably enjoy this.
As for me...I thought Kagami had really hot faces. And yeah the reverse boyfriend shirt thing came into play, that was kind of funny (you know how in doujinshi Kuroko always stays over at Kagami's place and ends up wearing one of his shirts to bed? It's that but...opposite XDD). And of course Kuroko/Aomine fairies ftw they made me laugh so hard. Who the hell thinks of these things?? (well, crazed fangirls, I suppose...)
Get it here on cramitin and I'll upload Mediafire tomorrow. *yawns*
[EDIT: I couldn't stand the ridiculousness of the size so I put it small
here on Mediafire.]
[EDIT 2: If you want the regular size on Mediafire, it's below:
Part 1Part 2Part 3]