Title: Amok Time, Part 4/7 (An Oni's Decision)
Fandom: Hakuouki
Pairing: Shiranui x Harada, Hijikata x Kazama and Amagiri x Toudou (background)
Rating: NC-17
Words: 43.587
Notes: Now if I'd only shown more passion about this during Nano...*le sigh*
Part 1 here. Part 2 here. Part 3 here. (
oogly boogly Halloween night )
Comments 6
You write a wonderful deep story that gives no shortcuts for the onis to easy happy lives as superior creatures; they are complex beings with heart-wrenching pasts and futures.
Extra points for so much Yamazaki goodness! And the sweetness of Ama/Heisuke too. ^_^
Haha it's love. There aren't shortcuts for anybody, and I'm sure people everywhere understand that first-hand. Applying it to an already complex storyline was difficult, though >.<;;;
Thanks for stopping by and reading! *bows*
My second fav. - Sano/Shira.
I want to know...when's LATER?
Hope it's sometimes in the next half an hour because then I'll be leaving (for the Venetian carnival, hoo-ray!) for a few days and won't get to read fanfics.
I'm really starting to love this cycle of fanfics (speaking of cycles, heh)
Sano...wondeful seme... Gotta love that guy... I would so trade with his wife (but for that I would have to travel 140 years back and a time machine isn't invented yet)!
Please update soon!
I love Sano too, though...well, I guess by now everybody knows my favorite character's definitely not Okita. I do tend to put Sano and Shiranui through hell, don't I - they never did anything to deserve it either, except be remarkably pretty... *cue evil laughter*
^^ Thanks for sticking around! I hope the next part will be up soon too! Just need to tweak some stuff...
:3 But I'm not complaining.
Boy, Shiranui really drew the short stick when it comes to relationships.
Oh well, he's young and will recover ;3 and it might be much sweeter in the end :D
Yamazaki and Haji? <3 How cute -^,^- "It's not what it looks like" huh? XDDDD
The ritual was most intersting. Also loved the chipmunk jokes *messing up Heisuke's eternal long hair*
and him promptly falling asleep right afterwards.
Now you got me squirming for the next chapter :3
I dunno, they both seemed so quiet. Like the type to ignore the pandemonium Sano, Heisuke and Shinpachi cause and calmly drink tea on the balcony or something. All those repressed emotions during the day must make for some fun times at night, though *snickers*
Haha if all goes well the chipmunk name will only spread through the ranks of the Shinsengumi XDDD
Shouldn't be too long until the next update~
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