Title: One Night and the Morning After Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Pairing/Characters: 27+80+59 (close friendship...?) Notes: Random piece I wrote up a while ago. Friendship unless you want it to be something else.
School started and I have thusly been busy and behind so you're getting all my alskdjflsdjomgiloveyou comments in one go as I read through everything ahaha.
I freaking love the Britney Pepsi commercials. Also my favorite:
Comments 3
School started and I have thusly been busy and behind so you're getting all my alskdjflsdjomgiloveyou comments in one go as I read through everything ahaha.
I freaking love the Britney Pepsi commercials. Also my favorite:
Haha yes OT3. It was just too cute to resist.
Dang that commercial is good. I don't want to know what the budget for it was, though - looks expensive costume- and manpower-wise.
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