Title: La mia famiglia Series: Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Pairing: 8059 Rating: G Notes: written for the 31_days challenge (9/21: these hands made of splinters)
This has been the best thing I've read in weeks. No, months. You are a very talented writer and I adore your style =) Wonderful, wonderful imagery. Such a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere. You had me shattered by the end of it.
hey why angst? not that i don't like it but still. well... loved this but what the hell "La mia famiglia" means? sorry i'm hungarian >.< and wow you almost made me cry! well it's not like me to cry so you did really well :D *gives you a box of cookies*
Comments 11
So angsty!
God I cried reading it. How do you know all the buttons to push to make me cry!
very beautiful though
T-thanks for reading, as always, hun.
naw, I'm just being a baby.
:D It was a wonderful read though.
You are a very talented writer and I adore your style =) Wonderful, wonderful imagery. Such a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere.
You had me shattered by the end of it.
*added to memories* =DD
B-but thanks for reading... *blush*
That was so beautiful.
Damn you. (At least I haven't put makeup on yet)
Oh god. Oh goddd. The last lines were delivered so perfectly. This is a beautiful drabble. ;A;
Thanks for reading, once again! *chomps cookies*
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