Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi ("Kuroko-kun to Issho" by Kao | Ritz_dd | Suki)

Apr 22, 2013 11:50

Title: Together with Kuroko-kun (Kuroko-kun to issho)
Circle: Kao|Ritz_dd|Suki
Pairing: AoKuro, KiseKuro, KagaKuro; gen
Rating: G
Pages: 53
Notes: So this is a trio of girls (well, as far as I know) who joined together to write/draw a collection of various stories and cute anecdotes about the Kiseki + Kagami, focusing on Kuroko.

Despite them all being different girls, somehow I get the feeling that they're similar somehow. I wonder if it's just me. I mean, their tone usage isn't so different (the last girl used more than others, I feel), their drawing styles are different yet their lines feel the same. I guess the way the used free space and angles was different, as well as the style of storytelling (the last one felt more 4-koma, whereas the middle one felt really manga-ish). I think what I like the most is that there wasn't really any overt AoKuro or KiseKuro or KagaKuro, honestly. It felt like a very gen book...well, except for Kise being all huggy with Kuroko, I suppose.

(Honestly? My fav was the third one. Though it was the most gen-ish out of all of them, Kagami having all the Kiseki over for a meal is something that I've wanted to see since, well, ever.)

Either way, the stories are all really good - and in the second one you see Kuroko as a modellllll omg yesss he looks droolworthy - so give it a shot. Get it here on Mediafire, enjoy!

kuroko gen dj, kuroko gen, doujinshi, kuroko dj, kuroko

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