Title: Sad, genuine things (Kanashii Mamono)
Circle: Tanaka
Pairing: AoKise/KiseAo, KuroMomo
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 96
Notes: so here I am walking down the aisle in Tora, tra-la-la...HOLY SHIT IS THAT A TANAKA? SHIT. SHIT. That book is SO FREAKING MINE.
I balked a little at the length but in the end the desire to show everyone the awesomeness that is Tanaka won out.
I...I really have no words for this one. I always think, "I love long works because it feels like the artist takes so much time drawing and developing the plot, and it feels like I too can take my time." This is one of those books.
It's set years in the future, when Aomine and Kise have been together for a long time (Kise a model, Aomine a famous basketball player), and Kuroko and Momoi have gotten married. They go over to the Kuroko household to see the new baby and Kise starts to think about...well, him and Aomine, and the fact that technically, both of their biological clocks haven't stopped running yet there's nothing past this right now. No kids, no white picket fence, cute wife...nothing.
The more Kise mulls on it the more conflicted he gets, until he decides to go back to his parent's house for a month to sort things out. He meets Momoi and they talk about their relationship, but in the end - though Kise's unsure of what'll happen himself, in the end, I think he IS sure of how he feels.
Then he goes home after a month, and he and Aomine have this colossal fight to top all fights. It's got yelling horrible things at each other and punching and Kise going, "You ALWAYS treat me like the GIRL!" and shit. SHIT. I thought by this point when Aomine's crying, that this was all going down in flames....
But thankfully not. :D After making up - in a very spectacular way - Aomine and Kise make the tabloids in the middle of downtown Tokyo somewhere by kissing the living daylights out of each other. I was sobbing by the end, really. Total mess.
And what's up with the last picture? You're not going to tell me Tanaka is an AkaKagaMido fan, right??? Just - just look at the way they've got their arms around each other!!!
Tanaka's art, as usual, uses white space really well. Her tones are light and don't get in the way at all, I never feel them *overwhelming me* like in some other works. Her older!Kise and older!everyone is...soooo well drawn. In her teenager works I can see they're still growing into their bodies, not so sure of themselves yet. As adults...I really feel they are. She makes them feel secure in themselves, their jobs, their roles and persona. Now how many mangaka do you know who can make that kind of difference?
Anyways, I'm so happy that I can show this to you guys, truly. And I'm so excited to get working on it with
persiii! Pretty sure I'll be sobbing again while I translate it orz
Get it here on Mediafire, and enjoy!