Title: The story of the morning star, me, and the evening cat (Ake no myoujou to boku to yoineko no hanashi)
Circle: Sora Sumeragi
Pairing: some Ao + Kuro, Kuro + Kaga
Rating: gen
Pages: 50
Notes: wow, it's gen for once!
So I saw this 3 times before I bought it. The art was simply too pretty for me to pass up. The summary was kind of strange (when I read it in Tora), something about a cat and Kuroko and his friends having to choose something? So I was kind of intrigued, and I guess the price wasn't bad for the amount of pages, so lol I guess that's *my* (admittedly warped) criteria for buying a doujinshi?
It turned out to be very good. The lines are very clean, the tones are put in just the right places. The backgrounds are great and kind of dreamy in all the places they should be. It's not...mindblowingly 'different' (like KUD2, which I've always thought had a wacky drawing style), but it is...simple. And pretty in that simplicity.
Kuroko...and all the characters really, just the main character is Kuroko so it's mostly about him...he's drawn very well. Expressions are clear, and though...though I've seen this kind of art so many times, as you read through the doujinshi you really feel him somehow. And of course, you get to see Aomine, Kise, Midorima, Kagami and Kuroko all interact together - which is so rare! - and it's all kinds of adorable!friendly and stuff.
So the story goes something like this: Kuroko remembers back in the day, when he had a dream of Aomine talking this cat that makes wishes come true. Aomine wishes to be strong, and the cat makes it come true. It leads, of course, to his eventual fallout with the rest of the Teikou team (and Kuroko's decreasing involvement as well). Days pass and Kuroko sees another dream, this time with Kagami. He talks about stupid wishes first, but then he wishes 'correctly' - that is, he wishes to play with the team he has now because it's fun. The cat then turns to Kuroko and says "It's your turn next."
Kuroko, walking home with Kagami one day, sees a cat near the road. It seems he has an accident with a truck (but not really) and then in the hospital Kise, Midorima, Aomine are all there. Kagami passes out homemade onigiri (rice balls) to everyone, and gradually it becomes a kind of interrogation session for what Kuroko wants. In the end, he says something along the lines of "I just want to play basketball with everyone happily again!", which Aomine replies with, "That means...we'll be enemies again when we wake up, Tetsu." Kuroko tells him that he'll catch up to him someday and the dream ends with Kuroko waking up in Kagami's apartment. Apparently there was no accident and Kuroko just staggered into his bed and fell asleep. Kuroko's hungry from missing dinner, so Kagami offers to cook something and of course...Kuroko asks for onigiri XD
Wellll, I'll leave you to figure out what you think of it. Suffice to say for a gen doujinshi, I quite liked it, especially for the *spooky* *mysterious* *genie powers* of the black cat and Kuroko's...Kuroko-ness in the whole thing.
Get it here on Mediafire, and tell me if there's any problems downloading!
menticle kindly pointed out to me that the pronunciation for the title was wrong, will correct the .rar file when I get home!]