Title: Paparazzi Santa
Circle: Syamojako
Pairing: MuraHimu, MidoTaka, KagaKuro
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 18
Notes: I bought this at Tora and almost screamed when I saw it was the last one. Ever want hawt boysmex in color? LOOK NO FURTHER! Oh, and I dedicate this to my beloved
thisiscyrene cuz I'm pretty darn freaking sure this is every pairing you like, hun. Happy early/late birthday or something.
So I thought I might mention, as a bit of incentive, that it was a little hard for me to find samples when half the pages have dicks on them. Yeah, it's a bit short - 18 pages - but it's also all in glorious color. And I don't mean the freaking meh kind of coloring. This is the HOLY SHIT I'm so glad I'm alive to buy this book kind of color. The fact that all 3 pairings are ones that I ship is just icing on the cake.
From the samples, I don't think I need to say anything about art. It's gorgeous. It's in color. I find no fault with it except that why isn't there moar??? *sob* I will probably keep this book for the rest of my life and in the future if I have some deviant chibi-
ansibs, then I will rec this book to them. (I can see it now: "Mom, are you telling me you had gay pr0n books this entire time!?") What an utterly terrifying concept.
Get it here on Mediafire, and please tell me if there's any dl problems! Enjoy~~