Title: Before the Caramel Ribbon Becomes Untied(Caramel Ribbon ga Hodokeru Mae ni)
Circle: Tanaka
Pairing: AoKise
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 31
Notes: Aomine and Kise's smexy shenanigans.
So after I read "
sunnyside laiday", I thought about tracking down Tanaka's other book because the first one was so good. I finally managed to track down her first one, which is this book, in a Mandarake.
persiii told me, this one is a lot more pr0ny and involves Aomine and Kise still being very adolescent and unsure about what their relationship is made of. Aomine is sensitive - unsurprisingly, because he wants this to work - to Kise's yells of "It hurts" and stuff...but it turns out that Kise's okay with the rough treatment in the end XD
My comments for the art and the story are same as before - very nice, soft and curvy, and the story makes my teeth rot, it's so sweet. Both Aomine and Kise are such...lovey-dovey bakas that it makes me squee every time I read this book. *happy sigh*
get it here on Mediafire, enjoy!