Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi ("feeling" by 7Men Zippo)

Feb 21, 2013 12:26

Title: feeling
Circle: 7Men Zippo
Pairing: AoKise
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 34
Notes: so actually...I feel really stupid saying this...I didn't realize this was lpscanlations's beloved 7Men Zippo until I finished the whole thing and was reading the doujinshika notes. Pretty fail, huh?

So...I'm not really sure why I picked this one up. Most of it was probably the back cover but it's not just *any* cover that makes me want to try out a new doujinshika. Or maybe subconsciously I thought it looked familiar and so I picked it up or something. Of course, the fact that it was hawt and R18 totally didn't influence me at all. Nuh-uh, not me. At all.

The art was kind of...I don't want to say pointy? Because that just reminds me of Radistar...er, heavy on the angles around the eyes, somehow. Aomine and Kise were also very IC. But the #1 thing that impressed me in his art style was the tones. He uses them really well...and differently than a lot of other people. Somehow from others I get the feeling they're..."properly used" or something. But she goes out on a limb and somehow makes it more "artistic". I'm overanalyzing this aren't I

That said, I have to say his smex scene is probably the hottest ever next to Hanashigai's stuff. Maybe even more, because this is like, the first or second time I've seen 69 in a doujinshi. They show this one panel of what Aomine sees while they're "in the act", and ....ugh it makes me want to write pr0n, it seriously does. Since that's a good half of the story, the other half is pretty much Kise pouting and wondering where he stands with Aomine, which Aomine then promptly reassures him of.

Get it here on Mediafire, enjoy~

aokise dj, aokise, doujinshi, kuroko dj, kuroko

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