Title: Adolescence (Shishunki)
Circle: FLAG
Pairing: AoKise
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 48
Notes: um. UST. Angst. And then awesome let's-have-sex-in-the-park RST
Soooo I'm pretty sure everyone's seen this picture on pixiv at one point or the other and thought to themselves "OMGGGG it's gorgeousssss *wail*". The doujinshi itself is pretty damn beautiful. Their expressions are a bit static but show emotions somehow...differently. Everything else is just, ugh awesome though. The backgrounds, layout, the goddamn motorcycle *drools* How many doujinshika do you know can draw motorcycles like that!? Aomine looks soooo hawt on it...*sigh*
I do kind of doubt the premises a bit...it looks like it's in the middle of winter if the clothes are any indication...yet they have sex in a park!? Oh man...and Kise is kind of mean (I agree with Aomine on this) to one of his fans. Though well, there is a reason...he wants to hang out with his very hawt ganguro friend~
And um. Yeah. The smex is really hawt. Like melting-like-a-goddamn-summer-ice-cream hawt. *squeal*
Here on Mediafire, enjoy!