Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi ("Kage ga Kasanete Omou Koto" by 3T)

Feb 20, 2013 22:35

Title: Thoughts that gather shadows (Kage wo Kasanete Omou Koto)
Circle: 3T
Pairing: KagaKuro
Rating: PG
Pages: 42
Notes: gut-wrenching stomach-twisting UST/angst from 3T.

Soooo...3T. Doujinshika who did "Ka-Kuro-kun". Master of freaking UST before it becomes RST, which, honestly, is like, my FAVORITEST plotline of all time.

She does it again in this time...it's full of Kuroko thinking of what kind of future his Kagami-kun wants, how good he is with kids, how he regularly gets asked out by girls at school...how there could be no way they could have a future together. Because Kagami, you know, is completely dense and notices only that Kuroko's not feeling well and is such a good friend for fretting over him and makes this "OMG...thank god he's alright" look when Kuroko wakes up and finds Kagami hovering next to the bed.

I have to say 3T has great timing. Just when I was about to give up on finding any KagaKuro that I adore...she comes out with another winner. DAMMIT. I can't take her off my list, like, ever...

Here on Mediafire: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, enjoy! And tell me if there are any dl problems or anything~

kagakuro, doujinshika: 3t, kagakuro dj, doujinshi, kuroko dj, kuroko

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