Title: Night Dancer (Tsukiyo no Odoriko)
Circle: mumu
Pairing: AoKuro, OC/Kuro
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 44
Notes beware dubcon.
So apparently there's a spat of Kurobasu-characters-in-Arabian-clothes going along (hmm...Magi influence??), and there's this one girl on pixiv that's really famous for it. This girl isn't that girl, but she is basing the costumes off of that girl's stuff.
That said, the premise is this: Aomine is the prince of a kingdom, Kuroko a lowly dancer, Kise a companion to the prince, and Akashi is...I dunno, some sort of pimp?? Aomine and Kuroko get along and explore the city together doing various stupid activities during the day, and then Kuroko goes to dance at night. One night Akashi says he wants Kuroko to do 'a little extra', which turns out to be pimping him out to an OC. Kuroko, mentally scarred, runs into Aomine, and Aomine proves he is a caring guy by 'comforting' Kuroko. And somewhere in there they find they love each other.
(Wow uh, that glossed over a lot.)
Anyways, the art is...simple but the contrast and the drawing style is somehow very bold. The author takes the time to draw lots of...hmm, varied panels is the only way I can describe it? The grasp of layout and stuff is good too. I really like her costumes, even though they're simple - I like them better than if they were totally decorated with gems and stuff. The story progresses at a good pace too.
Anyways, I broke my no-AoKuro rule because this is an AU and there IS no Kagami anywhere in here >.>;;; Either way,
it's here on Mediafire, enjoy!