Title: Unstoppable
Circle: Itadaki Cat
Pairing: AoWaka
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 42 (15 are novel)
Notes: #3 in Itadaki Cat's AoWaka series.
If you've been following this series, you'll know what I mean when I say it's awesome. I seriously don't know how it's passed under the radar of so many groups until now, but I have to say the plot is reeeeally good and the art is totally not bad either. In this one, Aomine acts predictably bored (but he's not really), and poor Wakamatsu feels a bit downhearted and in need of seme-comfort which (of course) Aomine is completely blind to. *headdesk*
I haven't read the novel part (though...it looks like it's more than half dialogue, so technically it would be easy) so I can't comment on it. I think Kise's in it. <---(wow...isn't that a completely obvious piece of information...)
Anyways, get it here on Mediafire:
Part 1 and
Part 2. Tell me if you have dl problems, need resizing, etc.