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Comments 23

cookinguptales December 2 2011, 20:29:48 UTC
Not even a MLP fan and I love these. So adorable and really great work! :D


anruiukimi December 2 2011, 21:26:10 UTC
I've only seen about 1/4 of the episodes out, but the design is cute and easy to work with :D Thank you! I'm really happy with them <3


saintsalvage December 2 2011, 22:49:04 UTC
I'm a huge fan of MLP and Steve/Tony, so these are obviously my new favorite things ever. I can barely even express my glee. Oh my goodness Tony's little goatee. Love it!


saintsalvage December 2 2011, 22:56:16 UTC
By the way, are you willing to share the pattern you're working from? I've found a couple of patterns online, but I haven't really been impressed by any of them. Your ponies look amazing!


anruiukimi December 3 2011, 00:08:25 UTC
I won't share my specific pattern (it's pretty much incomprehensible anyway xD; ) but I'll link to the pattern that helped me smooth out my pattern. :)




saintsalvage December 3 2011, 01:55:46 UTC
Thanks! Soon I might have a whole menagerie of Avenger ponies...


nix_this December 2 2011, 23:47:34 UTC
I don't know why, but something inside me is completely infatuated with the idea of a Unicorn sporting a sweet goatee :DDDD


anruiukimi December 3 2011, 00:09:02 UTC
Tony would rock that goatee no matter what form he took, amirite? ;)



stalkerbunny December 3 2011, 01:13:15 UTC
... :o *wordless*
I'm... kind of wordless here excuse me a moment. o3o
These are just amazing. Seconding the not-MLP-fanness, at least not of this incarnation (haven't gotten round to watching it) but in front of this sort of quality work I could hate it and would still be impressed.

In fact, I rather want to show these to my younger sister too, since she has dabbled in plushie making too and has feelings about plushie quality (you should hear the rants about failings in commercial soft toys xD) and would probably enjoy seeing these too... ahah, I'll just have to work a way to shield out the shipness. >3>; But I digress. Awesome plushies, and bless this post in general :D.

Out of curiousity, did you do the eyes and cutiemarks by hand or use a machine of some sort?


anruiukimi December 3 2011, 01:21:29 UTC

Thank you! Honestly myself, I only watch the occasional episode of the new MLP series, and I was never a fan of the original. xD The form is fun to work with craftywise, so... :P

You can just tell your sister that they are just being friendly xD As I joked on my DA post of this, they are ponies, not humans here, and really, it's not like I'm having them having pony sex. ::laughs::

Thank you for such a nice comment! As for your question, I have a sewing and embroidery machine. I digitized the designs, and the machine embroidered them. Takes more time then other methods, but it's far sturdier and more "professional" looking. ;)


stalkerbunny December 3 2011, 17:21:42 UTC
I was... well, I was quite excited about getting my first MLP back when I was four or five back in the dawn of time (= early nineties) and acquired a few more + a video since, but dunno if that counts as being a fan, really. More like a stereotypical girl. >3>;

And yeah, I'm not so worried about the pictures or anything. ^__^ Besides, my sister probably knows what sort of hobbies I have re. slash fics and such, I just... don't talk about that part with her usually. I'D Except once at a convention when I had to to ask if she'd be ok while I went to see a panel discussion about the history of slash...

I see~ I thought that might be the case. :) It does look very nice indeed. ♥


mlekopijca December 3 2011, 12:56:10 UTC
I found it on tumblr. It's awesome!


anruiukimi December 3 2011, 19:02:42 UTC
:D Thank you!


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