The Continuum and Puzzle of the Universe...

Jan 19, 2009 13:46

Lately I have been involved in conversation that has forced me to really examine my views on people in similarities and differences and what they mean and how they fit.  Personally, I see us all as equals.  None greater, none lesser.  Some of us understand this, others still are trying to work it out...  But here is my philosophy of how I view us and what was taught to me in how to view others...

The following was explained to me in one of my lessons with Grandmother Spider...  Envision the universe as a huge puzzle and we are each a piece within that puzzle.  Some of us are the bright and intricate pieces that play integral parts in the picture, and others of us are earth and sky, very simple.  Some of us are ugly and repulsive pieces, and others of us are glorious.  But we all fit somewhere.  And we are all valid pieces with an offering to make to the greater whole.  And for one piece to be missed, it makes an incomplete puzzle, the greater picture can not be seen.  And when we fit in our spots, we become One and we join with those around us who have joined with those around them, who have joined with those around them, and on and on.  Each piece is valid.  Each piece will evoke a response be it good or bad.  Each piece will contribute what it has to offer, even if its offering is to detract from someone or something else.  A balance of good and evil needs to be.

Also, I have been taught to view the world and subjects as a spectrum - a continuum if you will.  There is no life without death.  There is no healing without destruction.  There is no love without hate.  And I could spend hours pulling examples of continuums from one extreme to another.  My Teachers have shown me that if I wish to learn healing, I must also learn destruction.  If I wish to learn about Life, I must know Death.  Lessons are not one sided.  The Egyptians understood this.  They honored and celebrated the shadow soul or Khabit as much as the other layers of the soul.  You do not get to pick and choose only that which benefits you.  If you wish to be whole, if you wish for enlightenment, you must learn every piece, even the not-so-pretty ones, honor it, celebrate it, and give it its proper status and position.  As with the continuum of extremes, each point on the continuum has a lesson.

These have been two of my main life lessons in how They want me to approach other beings and the Universe in general...
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