(by now you shoulda somehow realised what you gotta do)
Visions of the future are hard things to analyse, particularly when they come in unpredictable flashes. A bit here, a bit there, and suddenly you're the only one who can prevent someone's death.
Desmond never asked for this. Why him? Why is this his fate? He's just a working-class Scot who dropped out of university. He's just a failed soldier, a failed monk, a failed boyfriend. He has never been a great man -- a good man, perhaps, though he'd argue that point with Penelope now, but never
(some have greatness thrust upon them)
a great one.
But he does his best, he always does, and he did it this time, too.
He tried to take Charlie's place, first (and got knocked out by a bloody rockstar). He tried to kill Mikhail, next (and look how well that turned out with the Russian zombie). And he tried to break the window of the transmission room, last (and failed, he failed again and all he could do was watch).
All he could do was watch.
(endings are heartless)
Numb, he feels the folded note in his pocket (wet but still there) and takes a step back, and another one, and another one, still staring at the door in front of him.
Charlie Pace is dead.
He takes a step too far--