
May 03, 2007 20:44

DEADLINE: Tues. MAY 15th,2007

Theme: Favorite Landmarks (anything from starbucks, to the sydney opera house or the statue of liberty... MUST BE WELL KNOWN)

Read these Rules First
~ Submit your set of two to five icons (images and URLs, please) in a comment to this post with the images and the URLs.
~ Theme: Your set of icons should represent several favorite unrealted landmarks, several related landmarks, different views of the same landmark or any other variation you can think of!
~ Deadline: Tuesday, May 15th, 2007 (voting hopefully will be posted *before* noon that day, so get it in a little earlier)

::Current things to check out::
Stock Images: Feathers Due 5/6 - 7 amazing entries!
(We only need three more icons to award Mod's Choice)
Celebrity: Brandon Routh Due 5/7 - No entries yet.
Advanced: Favorite Quotes Due 5/9 - no love yet!

multiple sets

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