Since only one person entered the "Multiple Sets: Childhood Dreams" contest, there will be no polls for it. :(
DEADLINE: Friday. September 8th,2007
Theme: Mythical Creatures
Read these Rules First~ Submit your set of two to five icons (images and URLs, please) in a comment to this post with the images and the URLs.
~ Theme: Your set of icons should represent several different aspects of a single mythical creature, one specific mythical creature, several different mythical creatures or any other variation you can think of!
~ Deadline: midnight Eastern Friday Septebmer 8th, 2007
~~~Things to Check Out~~~
Poll Stock Images: Ribbons Poll Random Fandom: Beatles Advanced: No Eyes - Due 8/31 - 4 intrigueing entries.
Random Fandom: EarthSons and Dark Labyrinth - Due 9/3- 4 awesome entries!
Stock Images: Stars - Due 9/4 - 9 Spectacular entries (one more needed to award Mod's Choice!)
Mulitple Sets: Mythological Creatures - Due 9/8 - no love yet.
Suggestions for Themes Poll