Claim your prompts!

Jul 15, 2007 10:27

Time to claim your prompts!

Check out the master list of prompts below the cut, and comment with the number of the prompt(s) you're claiming (regular AU or canon AU). Please indicate whether you're claiming the prompt(s) as a writer or an artist.

For example: canon AU #6, writer

You do not need to have contributed a prompt in order to claim one! You may claim as many prompts as you'd like, but each prompt may only be claimed by two authors and two artists, so check comments to make sure that the prompt you want hasn't already been maxed out. We'll also update the prompts as they are claimed.

Fics and art are due September 15th, and you're welcome to post anytime before then.

See the introduction post for complete rules and posting guidelines.

And please comment here or contact one of the mods with any questions!

Regular AU Prompts
1. John is an almost-famous writer of spy thriller novels, and Rodney "mistakenly" shows up to a book talk/signing. They become friends (or something a little more complex?) and fight crime! maybe have a thrill or two of their own.
claimed by dkwilliams (writer)

2. Rodney McKay is a drill sergeant at a US training camp. He enjoys his job: he gets to yell at idiots, he gets to train said idiots with computers, and he's personally responsible for turning around one of the worst training camps in the States. He has, however, a thorn in his side.

John Sheppard is a hippie, at least, as far as Rodney McKay is concerned. Having inherited some wealth from his late parents, John tends to haunt the same places McKay goes during his off hours. He relentlessly teases, bickers, snarks, and torments McKay for selling out to "the man," for polluting the world, for training people to kill.

Then one day John finds out his money is gone, and all his "friends" have deserted him. With nothing but the clothes on his back and nobody to turn to, John Sheppard goes to see the one man that will either kick him while he's down, or offer him salvation: Rodney McKay.

3. John Sheppard's parents moved to Canada shortly before he was born. He grew up loving his country, loving his family, and abhoring the American tourists that flocked to his home town every summer. He enrolls into the RCMP, and becomes one of his home town's proudest and well-known mounties. Life is good...until he recieves new orders.

Rodney McKay is not a typical American. He's rude, obnoxious, has an ego the size of the planet--well, as far as Canada's concerned, he IS a typical American. He's also a brilliant detective. Unfortunately, he pisses off the wrong client, one Ms. Samantha Carter, and gets shipped to an exchange program which lands him in Canada.

Forced to work together, the detective and mountie clash over everything and anything under the sun. But when a string of murders hits the town, they have to set aside their differences and find the killer; especially since this murderer is eliminating people with allergies alphabetically, and the next allergy on the citrus.
claimed by unrequited_rain (writer & artist)

4. What if you were a genius living the life of a pilot? Rodney McKay knew the answer to that quite well. Unable to find any university to support his wormhole research, Rodney McKay cashed in on the one gift his father ever gave him: pilot lessons. As a stunt pilot for a travelling air show, McKay has money, has women, and (though he hated it at first) a life he enjoys. Still, every now and then he dreams of the universities, of the research he would love to do.

What if you were a pilot living the life of an academic? John Sheppard hated the answer to that question. Grounded for a mistake that had cost two airmen their lives, no one would give John a license, especially not after his brief stint in jail. Unable to fulfill his dreams of flying anymore, John fell back on the only asset he inherited from his mother: his mathematical mind. Now John leads a normal, if lonely, life. The math interests him, and the politics keep him on his toes, and now that he's engaged to one Elizabeth Weir, he thinks he can finally be happy again.

The airshow his buddies drag him to for his stag party is amazing, but it leaves an ache in John's chest that, until recently, had been missing. One pilot in particular has caught his attention, the precise detail that's given to every curve and spiral...mathematics in the sky! And so he seeks out the womanizing man called McKay, and discovers that there's more there than meets the eye.

5. An Ocean's 11 inspired AU in which John and Rodney become master thieves - John is the idea man, Rodney is the detail man. This is the story of how John, a young drifter and small time con man, meets Rodney, a PhD of astrophysics who plans heists on the side to keep himself challenged. Together they become an unstoppable team, their names becoming legend among theives, and along the way they find that their professional chemistry extends a bit beyond that.
claimed by cat_latin (writer), also claimed by chebonne (writer)

6. Elizabeth Weir is constantly being told by her personal secretary, one Rodney McKay, that she is late for appointments, she eats too slowly, and she's way too oblivious when it comes to life. Elizabeth, of couse, doesn't believe a word of it, even though her body guard, John Sheppard, agrees with the last one. Of course, as the head of a multinational corporation, it'd be easy to believe one was very aware of what was going on in the world. What Elizabeth doesn't understand, is that both John and Rodney, weren't talking globally.

Radek Zelenka is Weir's chief financial advisor, and has been pining for her ever since they met. Teyla Emmagen is Atlantis Inc.'s PR Chairman, and has been subtly dropping hints since she joined Weir's team. No matter how they try, though, Elizabeth never sees exactly what they're hinting at.

At least, until they catch on to what the other is doing. Radek and Teyla break out in a silent cold war. The prize: Elizabeth Weir's affections. Add in McKay and Sheppard's not-so-subtle meddling, and all that's left is to sit back and watch the disaster. As the competition becomes more fierce, Weir can only wonder what the hell has gotten into her employees.

7. John Sheppard is the forward of a soccer team, the best of the best; the man everyone wants because of his speed, skill and slick way with men and women. There are none who can beat a single Goalie of the famous Atlantians.

Rodney McKay has made a career of preventing any goals from being made. His team has shut out almost every game they've played thanks to his skill--and, okay, maybe Defenders Radek and Ronon helped a little. He also has little patience for the flirting ways of John Sheppard, and lets his distates be known to all.

Then one day a bet is made: the only way Rodney would ever go out with John is if the Forward can score a goal off him. Will John Sheppard make that goal? Or will he be denied the chance to take Rodney out for a night on the town?
claimed by fractalreality (writer)

8. Rodney McKay is a world-famous composer and concert pianist, who likes to slum it occasionally, playing piano in a grotty little bar near the edge of town. John Sheppard is the pilot who comes in for a drink every now and then when work's been especially bad, and likes to taunt the guy at the piano, trying to make him play a little Johnny Cash. Will they make beautiful music together?
claimed by aesc (writer), also claimed by oldgirltoo (writer)

9. John Sheppard has been working as a river guide on the Amazon for the past ten years, but he's never met a customer quite as interesting as Rodney McKay, a biologist doing research in the Amazon. John, however, is the best, and Rodney appears set on getting him, with a rather substantial bonus. John thinks a few weeks with Rodney in the Amazon might be worth the rather substantial pay, enough to buy a boat of his own and settle down, but things turn out differently than he expected when their boat washes away from the field station, leaving them with plenty of supplies but only one tent, and not much hope of imminent rescue!
claimed by girlnamedpixley (artist), also claimed by clayeer (artist)

10. Rodney McKay enlisted as a Major in the USAF because it was the only way he could get involved in the highly secretive Stargate programme; John Sheppard resigned his commission after what went down in Afghanistan. Now, just when he's on the verge of the breakthrough that could deliver them the lost city of the Ancients, Major McKay has to decide-stay in the Air Force and discover another galaxy, or resign and choose John?

11. Regency England is not a place which offers much life or experience for a woman as independent as Teyla Emmagan. Living with her strict father, her world was confined to chores and the narrow streets of London. Her chance of escape comes when she takes a job as housekeeper in the rambling country home of one Rodney McKay. Teyla revels in her newfound freedom-but soon wonders if her feelings aren't turning to love.

12. The only thing which Dr Rodney McKay knew about James Carter-his darkly handsome new boyfriend with the perpetual bedhead and the sinful smirk-was that he's been lying to Rodney. In fact, Rodney's not even sure that James is his real name. So why on Earth is Rodney falling in love with him anyway?
claimed by madeline871 (writer), also claimed by leannegrant (writer)

13. J/R. An AU based on the plot of To Catch a Thief, wherein John is the world-famous cat burglar and Rodney is the cranky, assertive scientist/oil-fortune heir (whatever) who helps him on his quest to clear his name.
claimed by cupidsbow (writer)

14. When Dr. Teyla Emmagan meets critical care nurse Ronon Dex, there's instant attraction. But there's one small problems-Teyla's five months pregnant, and determined above all else that she's going to raise this child on her own, no matter what attraction she feels towards Ronon. Teyla's determination makes sparks fly between them, but Ronon knows he's found the woman for him-he wants her to love him, to trust him, and to let him spend his life with her.

15. The shooting of the new action-adventure blockbuster vehicle for Teyla Emmagan and Ronon Dex is running over-time and over-budget, which means that it's not the most welcoming environment for one John Sheppard, recently discharged from the USAF and looking to pick up some easy money as a stunt extra. It's even less fun for studio executive Rodney McKay, who's trying like hell to get everything wrapped on time so that his boss, Elizabeth Weir, doesn't make sure that he never works in Hollywood again-so he really doesn't like the distraction afforded by one smirking, slouching, bit-part actor who seems to be everywhere he turns.
claimed by icantfollow (writer)

16. Lorne is a lonely geologist that wants love. His best friend Cadman has set him up on numerous failed dates with men and women. What she doesn't know is that Lorne secretely desires Atlantis Corp's VP: Rodney McKay.

Rodney McKay is too busy to be lonely, at least that's what he tells his therapist Heightmeyer. In truth, though, he knows who he wants to ask out, he's just too chicken. So he goes through the day conducting researching, programming computers, and cyberstalking head of Corporate Security: John Sheppard.

John Sheppard leads too risky a job to get involved, or so he tells his boss Elizabeth Weir whenever she asks if he's lonely. The truth is, every day a geologist comes in and gives him bagels, a geologist with broad shoulders and bright eyes and a gorgeous smile. But John doesn't want to risk hurting anyone by being hurt on the job, so he works and pretends Lorne is just another person.

Fortunately, the three blonds--Heightmeyer, Cadman, and Weir--get together for a girl's night out and decide to solve the problems of their brooding male acquaitances in an unconventional way. Emmagan and Dex Retreat facility is a romantic getaway for the non-standard romantic partners, and the three women buy John, Lorne, and Rodney a ticket in the hopes they'll take a chance.
claimed by sam_gamgee (writer)

17. Rodney is a world famous concert pianist. He's played on stage, he's played for the big screen, he's played for his neice's private school in order to avoid a lawsuit from making the children cry. And he has his eyes set on one particular woman for passing on his genes: World famous concert cellist Samantha Carter.

But country singer and blues band leader John Sheppard isn't about to let the cellist win the heart of the man he's been secretly writing his music for. Battle of the string instruments commence as John races against time, fashion, and a genius blond to steal Rodney's love and become the ultimate duo.

And if he has to take a cello to the head to do it, so be it.
claimed by softgraysky (writer)

18. Rodney McKay and John Sheppard are world-famous fencers. Rodney McKay, star of the Canadian fencing team, is know for his perfect technique and loud mouth. Whereas John Sheppard, star of the US team, is famous for his unique improvisation skills and good looks. When they meet for the first time at the Olympic Games they vokalize their dislike for each other instantly. But when they face each other in a tournament magic happens, the audience is enthralled by their playful yet merciless fencing-match. A certain sexual tension is evident.

19. The Doctors Rodney McKay and Radek Zelenka are volcanologist with the USGS, working as a perfect team and known for their bickering. When [insert random volcano here] awakes, they are asked to survey the volcano. Major John Sheppard, helicopter pilot stationed at a nearby Air Base, is assigned to fly Dr. McKay to the volcano for his surveys. They get to know each other over their daily trips. When the volcano errupts, they have to evacuate and run for their lifes. Which makes room for OMG-I-can't-believe-we-survived!-sex afterwards...
claimed by bingbulette (artist)

20. John Sheppard is an ambitious law student who takes Patent Law to make himself know to the professor in the hopes of scoring a position in the professors law firm. Rodney McKay is an attorney and an adjunct professor (J.D., PhD's Mechanical Engineering and Astrophysics) who teaches John's class. John smirks, Rodney berates students and they fall in love.
claimed by v_angelique (writer)

21. John Sheppard is chief of staff for Senator Weir and needs access to research materials in the Library of Congress. Rodney McKay is a cranky librarian at the LoC who John encounters.
claimed by oriolegirl (writer), also claimed by 9zanite (writer)

22. John Sheppard is a celebrated, but reclusive author. Jeannie Miller runs the premier day care center in the city where John's children are enrolled. Jeannie's brother Rodney is a silent (or rather a not-so-silent-but-behind-the-scenes) partner in the day care center who takes a more active role in the business when Jeannie falls ill. The children love Rodney but can the business survive his daily involvement? Will Rodney find love with the mysterious author?
claimed by honey_babes (writer), also claimed by canadian_jade (writer)

23. Athos is a small backwater planet in a small backwater solar system - so small and insignificant that it even seems to be off the wraith radar. Ronon and Teyla live happily together on a small farm called Sateda House, but they have no children (Teyla's wraith DNA makes it tricky) and decide to adopt a son; a boy who can help Ronon with the farming and hunting and learn the ways of the Ancestors from Teyla.

But the child waiting near the Ring console isn't quite the sturdy farmboy Ronon was expecting. He's slight, with fair skin with a smattering of freckles, and looks more fit for a desk than a plow. And he sure can talk! Within their first 10 minutes together, Ronon learns all about Rodney's life with his foster parents, his aversion to UV rays, and the greatest desire of his youthful heart: a dress with puffed sleeves a real live Ancient device. Ronon, used to Teyla's meditative quiet, finds the prattle amusing, and takes Rodney home even though he's not quite what they were looking for.

Rodney is extremely grateful to his new parents, and he tries to do his best about the farm. But he's just not good at physical labor. He gets distracted by his new ideas and forgets to feed the cow-things and lets his little experiments grow sentience and eat the chicken-things. It's enough to drive Teyla to distraction.

The best thing about life in Athos, though, is SCHOOL. It's the first time Rodney's attended formal school, and on the first day he's determined to impress the teacher with his slate of carefully scrawled equations. But this horrible boy named John Sheppard, in an attempt to catch the new kid's attention, erases his precious board. In a rage, Rodney cracks the slate over John's head.

And the romance begins.
claimed by hyperfocused (writer)

24. Rodney's a resident on grudging rotation in the ER with little love for the EMT crews; John is an EMT (could've been/was but likes this job, and isn't too keen on following in his dad's footsteps). They both like the late night/early morning shifts, but they're not entirely fond of each other. Then one day John's team responds to a call from Rodney's house to find Rodney's citrus allergy isn't the exaggeration everyone claimed. Fortunately for our heroes, McKay's back on shift in no time, and they begin dancing around their growing attraction for one another.

Things are great, if under the radar, until a change in personnel puts John's dad at the same hospital in a different specialty. John gets distant, Rodney gets perplexed, and just as their clueless co-workers succeed in their plan to lock them in a closet and declare their love (or insert your scenario here), in walks Dad. It's all a miserable mess - and then, one night, John's the one coming in on the stretcher, after a messy accident while on shift....
claimed by sandrainthesun (artist), also claimed by allyndra (writer)

25. Rodney made and lost a fortune in the boom/bust and is now working in the IT department of some large faceless corporation, a job he hates. John's the son of the company's CEO and is feeling increasingly trapped by his father's expectations. Given that John wants to give up everything Rodney ever wanted, can they ever find common ground?

26. Ronon's a star NBA player and John's the hustler he picks up in a club one night. Ronon's agent, Rodney, throws a fit and insists that Ronon date pop star Teyla because "basketball isn't ice skating and anyway America really doesn't like queer sports stars." Wacky hijinks ensue when Rodney falls for Teyla, and Ronon and John prove to be terrible at being discreet. Feel free to go to the OT4 place or to keep it Ronon/John and Rodney/Teyla.
claimed by leannegrant (writer), also claimed by clayeer (artist)

27. 1960s. John's an astronaut, a perpetual alternate for the latest mission to the moon. Rodney's an acerbic rocket scientist who's been pawned off on loan to NASA from Canada. When one of the other astronauts can't go, John gets picked to go on the mission. Naturally, everything goes wrong, and it turns out that Rodney's the only one who can bring them back home.
claimed by sonadorita (writer)

28. It's 1897 and 25 year old Rodney McKay--heir to the McKay lumber fortune--is escorting his sister Jeannie and her "dear friend" Elizabeth on their Grand Tour. In Paris, they meet John, an artist who ran away from his stuffy New York family and is making the most of the bohemian lifestyle. Can Jeannie and Elizabeth help the utterly clueless Rodney see how John feels about him?

29. The one where Rodney's a lumberjack and John's a tofu eating, tree hugging college student studying spotted owls or something. Together they fight crime go up against the evil lumber company that wants to despoil the great Canadian forests. Or something.
claimed by trakkie (writer), also claimed by valderys (writer)

30. A fusion between Stargate: Atlantis and Garth Nix's Abhorsen trilogy - Rodney is the brother of the future Abhorsen, Teyla, and the heir to the throne, Jeannie. He's at a bit of a loss as to what he wants to do for the rest of his life when he meets John, a pilot who's plane crash-landed in the Old Kingdom when a storm blew him too close to the Wall.
claimed by jedoch (artist), also claimed by theravenwrites (writer)

31. Everyone can agree that while John Sheppard might be a sarcastic pain in the ass, he's also the best damn private eye in the city. So when Rodney McKay's sister goes missing, where else would he go? But it's more it first appears in this case, and John falls into a plot of scientific blackmail involving the brilliant (but deadly) heiress Samantha Carter. With the help of his devoted secretary, Teyla, and mysterious muscle-for-hire, Ronon Dex, can they find Jeannie before time runs out or someone decides that maybe John's better if his damn mouth was closed... for good?
claimed by kinetikatrue (writer)

32. Where the SGA characters are all NCIS agents! (on the off chance that any of the three people in SGA fandom who are also into NCIS are reading this ._.) Elizabeth Weir as director, Carson Beckett as the medical examiner. John, Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon as a field team: Ronon is the taciturn ex-Marine who carries a lot of knives; Teyla is a liaison officer from some weird country's intelligence agency, with crazy mad ninja skills; Rodney has crazy mad nerd skills but only recently became a field agent; and John Sheppard is their laid-back and frequently immature (maybe also ex-military: a Navy pilot?) team leader-- you may not like his methods, but you gotta love his results. (BONUS POINTS IF CHUCK = ABBY.) Ford was on their team until he became a wraith!crack addict got shot in the head by Kolya, who is Ari Haswari in this universe? SG-1 can be FBI, or some other agency that Sheppard just drives totally nuts with his whackjob team.
claimed by wingwyrm (writer)

33. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Teyla Emmagen never expected her life to get so out of control. When one of the droids she bought for her moisture farm runs away, claiming to have to deliver a message to Elizabeth Weir, she follows it, only to be attacked by Iratus bugs. Luckily, she is rescued by Crazy Liz, a desert resident her aunt and uncle warned her she should avoid. When Crazy Liz turns out to be Elizabeth Weir and her aunt and uncle are murdered, Teyla has no choice but to accompany Liz on her journey to another world. They meet up with the stubborn, rakish smuggler Rodney and his walking-carpet sidekick John Sheppard (who drawls so much no one but Rodney can actually understand what he's saying), and they are immediately caught up in a mission to rescue the handsome Prince Ronon from the clutches of the evil Genii Empire. But a shock awaits... Teyla's mother is a wraith!

34. Atlantis Perfumery is the oldest and most famous in the world but their last few scents have fallen a bit flat and the shareholders are getting nervous. Enter John Sheppard, he's the new hot shot the men upstairs have hired to spice things up bit. Head perfumer Rodney McKay is not impressed, especially since Sheppard seems determined to ruin his nose with Aqua Velva! (And then sex happens.)

37. Everything in Rodney McKay's life has its place, from his neat little apartment-for-one to his sterile lab. Order and precision keep life under control-a control which is threatened by his sister, Jeannie, an interfering whirlwind who delights in dumping his niece, Madison, on him at the worst moments.

Being a reluctant guardian-uncle while trying to keep his a research on track is a full-time job, one which leaves little room for error - or fun. Until, one day, a stranger unexpectedly comes into their lives. John is carefree, spontaneous and always looking for adventure - everything that Rodney is not. And in no time at all, Rodney finds that John is not just getting on his nerves - he's getting under his skin, too.

38. Rodney McKay isn't happy when his longed-for promotion to chief investigative reporters for one of New York's most prestigious publications is knocked off-course a few thousand miles. Sam Carter's not happy with his latest fiasco, and so she's forced him to accept the editorship of Hollywood Lifeline, a new lifestyle magazine, billed by the publishers as "dumbed-down but definitely sexy". Rodney would rather admit that Adam Kavanagh deserved that Pulitzer. Still a job is a job, Teyla, Ronon and the others seem to know what they're doing... not to mention that managing editor John Sheppard could just turn out to be a major consolation prize.
claimed by bingbulette (artist)

39. John Sheppard is a reclusive pro golfer with a sordid past that no one has been able to draw out of him or figure out or dig up. Rodney McKay is the investigative reporter who has a reputation for always getting the story he’s looking for. Why does Sheppard stay away from the lime light? Why does he never win a championship when everyone knows he can? How far is McKay willing to go to get his story?
claimed by sparrowhawk17 (writer)

40. After hearing about the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, paleontologist Rodney McKay wants to see them for himself. He hires big game hunter, John Sheppard to protect him... but disaster strikes when they arrive on the island.
claimed by tarlanx (writer)

41. (Waterworld) Global warming has melted the polar caps. Rodney McKay has a map leading to the only remaining dry land, and John has a boat.
claimed by tarlanx (writer), also claimed by cobweb_diamond (writer), also claimed by aqualegia (artist)

42. John's a detective, Rodney's a CSI. They bring each other coffee, insult each other's professions and generally act like they want to be pulling each other's hair while solving a case together; just frindship would be good.
claimed by sandrainthesun (artist), also claimed by pollitt (writer)

43. I'd like to see the SG:A cast rewritten to be crew members on Battlestar Galactica. Weir is President of the colonies, Teyla is a cylon - you get the idea.
claimed by mf_luder_xf (writer)

44. Teyla Emmagen and her lovely assistant, John Sheppard, are Atlantis Paranormal Investigations (serving the greater metropolitan area). Rodney McKay has inherited a house in the suburbs, but before the drafty mausoleum can go on the market he must figure out what's behind the accidents obstructing the design-and-construction crew from fixing the house up.

Bonus cookies for unexpected pairings or for Ronon to be higher-paid than McKay.
claimed by ceitie (writer), also claimed by valderys (writer)

45. Rodney McKay is an unappreciated scriptwriting genius (genius!), who has been forced to take a job working for the latest WB sitcom as for some reason nobody's interested in his literary novels (two, to date, both character-driven explorations of higher mathematical concepts and their intersections with human lives, and obviously the publishing houses are just not equipped to cope with his brilliance--and that's not even counting the screenplays!). He busies himself browbeating the staff writers and trying not to breathe too many marker fumes (because even if it's a lowbrow art form, there is still room for character, people! God! Have you not *read* Joseph Campbell, because if this script has even a passing acquaintance with character development and heroism... etc etc.)

John Sheppard's agent said he was too old for the role (hey!), but he landed it anyway. Now he's the star of the WB's hottest new drama, and it looks like his career might finally be on the right track, after that messy derailment some years back (he doesn't talk about it). He figures he's at home in the closet; after all, his paycheck depends on playing the heartthrob for teen girls across the nation every Wednesday night. But the closet starts feeling a whole lot smaller once he gets to know the writer who's been giving him the best lines he's ever seen...
claimed by seikaitsukimizu (writer)

46. Rodney McKay is a bitter genius stuck teaching physics at a second rate university after he has a major meltdown at a conference. He's just about come to terms with his unremarkable life when an explosively impressive demonstration at his niece's school catches the eye of one of the mothers of Madison's classmates. Elizabeth Weir is a television producer trying to find new ways of marketing educational teevee. (Think Mythbusters. And Ronon and Teyla can be the B-team! And Cadman, she likes explosives! And... back to the plot.) Rodney's thrilled with the idea of the notoriety, but less thrilled when he finds out he'll be getting a more "marketable" co-star. John Sheppard is far too pretty to be at all intelligent and Rodney resents him from day one.

Sheppard, however, is smarter than he seems, and after a few months, Rodney starts to maybe even like the guy. Maybe more than like him. Which makes the network's murmurings about splitting them up of even more concern...

47. Rodney McKay travels through time in a box that seems small on the outside but is huge on the inside. He is a genius who knows everything and has been everywhere. He might even have a very long scarf around here somewhere. John Sheppard - while minding his own business - somehow gets entangled in one of McKay's adventures, and having proven himself to be not entirely stupid, and - on the whole - reasonably competent, McKay offers to show him history, the universe, and lots of other exciting things.

(AKA - old school Dr Who - quarries, hijinx and rubbery faced, shouty baddies)


Sheppard is the last of his race, the last survivor of the Time Wars. A man who travels in time, yet has no known history. A lonely man, hiding behind his adventures, is need - and ability - to save the universe.

Rodney McKay (maybe younger, but still brilliant) unwittingly finds himself embroiled in one of Sheppard's adventures, and - amazed by what he has witnessed - (as well as amusing/annoying Sheppard enough to be intrigued) - agrees to travel with him for a while as his companion.

Rodney is desperate to understand everything he is shown, and maybe Sheppard doesn't feel so alone anymore...

(AKA modern Dr Who - angst, loneliness, 'out of everyone in the universe i finally found you' passion etc)

I would think that only a passing knowledge of Dr Who would be enough to attempt either of these prompts, since the bare bones are pretty standard, and specific references are just extra icing.
claimed by foreverseenstar (writer), also claimed by littlekitsch (writer), also claimed by clayeer (artist)

48. Rodney is a physicist studying bird flight, John is . . . also somehow involved with birds. Park ranger? Ornithologist? Guy who scales cliff faces to put tags on peregrine falcons? Guy who brings owls into classrooms? Regardless, he clearly thinks birds are cool because they can fly. Their paths cross, there are digs about Rodney's sunscreen and John's bird's-nest hair, John knows all the good spots (interpret that as you will), etc.
claimed by bluflamingo (writer), also claimed by cobweb_diamond (writer), also claimed by steammmpunk (artist)

49. The Wraith have invaded their neighboring country of Lantea and are reeking havoc across the countryside on their way to the capital city, Atlantis. The Twelve Tribes of Lantea are asked to send their men to serve in the Lantea Imperial Army and each family must send a man to serve or face heavy legal pentalties and dishonor.

Oldest of the Athosian tribe, the Emmagen family has no sons, only one daughter - Teyla. When the order is issued, Tagan Emmagen is too sickly and old to even consider fighting. So Teyla steals her father's armor and disguises herself as a man in order to save his life; she joins the army as Jinto Emmagen and - with the help of her fellow Athosian, Halling - tries to go through basic training under the command of Colonel John Sheppard.

As a member of Sheppard's squadron, Teyla has to fight for acceptance from the other men in the company: Rodney McKay, a strategist from the city who hates physical activity; Specialist Ronon Dex, a skilled recruit from the Sateda tribe who harbors a lifelong hatred of the Wraith; Major Evan Lorne, also from the city and Sheppard's second-in-command; Lt. Aiden Ford, a commissioned officer with a bit of a drug problem; and Colonel Sheppard himself, whom Teyla knows from the tribal council and strongly first. Soon, Teyla finds herself attracted to her commanding officer who couldn't spare her a passing glance as a woman and thinks she's a pathetic excuse for a solider as a man. What's a girl to do?

50. The one where they're stage crew! Rodney is the persnickety Production Stage Manager at the Stratford Main Stage (Stratford, Ontario, Canada, m'dears), John is the technical director for a visiting production of Oklahoma! imported from, er, somewhere in the States? It's a two-month engagement, lots of school matinees, lots of bits where John ends up stuck in the lighting grid with a c-wrench between his teeth and the ladder's fallen down.

Also, they both hate Oklahoma!, but John pretends he loves it because he like watching Rodney splutter and when Rodney starts trying to get into John's pants he lamely pretends that okay, maybe the romance is sweet, in a Republican kind of way, and then John says that he find it twee and Rodney is totally hoist on his own petard.
claimed by pocky_slash (writer)

51. John and Rodney are on a colony ship, out to colonize a world x-light years from Earth. They were in cryogenic sleep most of the voyage, some of the passengers/crew are lost, but 3/4ths or some such survive the trip.

John is the Captain and Rodney is the Chief Scientist. Elizabeth (or your choice) is set to be the Governor of the colony.

When they arrive at their destination, because it's taken so many years, faster-than-light travel had been invented, and so an Earth colony is already there. John and Rodney's colony ship represents a quaint footnote in history, thought lost, mostly just forgotten.

How do they settle in? Do they? Do they volunteer to sign up to colonize other worlds? Why did the ships with FTL not go out and dang well find their ship while it was still in transit? What about the passengers/crew with lives lost, the long journey, no family left, how do they deal?

And maybe Teyla can be the head of the new colony (the one with FTL), so they have at least one sympathetic ear. Or maybe she's a senator-type person. That way besides the (possible) John/Rodney, there could maybe be Teyla/Weir. Or maybe Zelenka fills that role (can't you imagine him explaining the physics behind FTL to a stubborn-in-denial, pissed-he-didn't-come-up-with-it-first Rodney?). Or Lorne, as well, maybe the colony is a bit more militarized. Maybe we've found aliens, maybe we haven't.
claimed by thisissirius (writer), also claimed by cobweb_diamond (writer)

52. John Sheppard's farm has been in his family for generations. He's always been in love with the farm, the animals and the land. He's never wanted anything else and has been happy to just bask in the attentions of just about every pretty face that floats his boat. But when his brother (feel free to choose anyone :D) marries Jeannie McKay and has the wedding on the farm he meets one Dr. Rodney McKay, a bit (okay a lot) of a geek, who just happens to trip his trigger in a big way.

Rodney McKay only came down to walk his baby sister Jeannie down the aisle. He never expected to meet some farm boy who made him feel things he never thought he'd feel after his wife Sam died.

and if rodney and sam just HAPPEN to have been high school sweethearts married right out of school, more power to ya :D
claimed by loves_bitch (writer)

53. John and his sister Elizabeth are world-class competitive ballroom dancers. John also has a studio where he teaches beginner to intermediate level dancing lessons during the week. Rodney's girlfriend Teyla has decided that he needs to take some lessons so he can dance at his sister's wedding without tripping over his own feet.

54. John's grandpa was a pilot up in Canada during WWII. Rodney's grandmum was a nurse on the base. Years later John is given a letter to give to a woman he fell in love with back there. When John and Rodney meet sparks instantly fly, but there are problems when they find out they might be related.

I like the are they-aren't they? and am fine with going either direction ;)

55. Rodney McKay is a maligned scientist, kicked out of his cushy post at a leading university. When no other school will hire him, he falls back on his high school hobby--inventing simple items to help around the house. The problem is, his abrasive personality makes selling his brilliant inventions hard. Enter John Sheppard, king of late night infomercials. John's sure his good looks and charm can help sell Rodney's products, but first they'll have to sell John to Rodney...
claimed by lavvyan (writer)

56. Teyla Emmagen is a powerful, successful CEO, one of the most respected women in the business world. However, when she finds out that her ailing grandmother is close to death, she starts to lament the fact that she's always been an atrocious cook and never mastered her grandmother's recipes. One evening, after an ill-timed collision in the hallway, Teyla discovers that one of her security guards, Ronon Dex, is using his job to pay his way through culinary school. Can Ronon teach Teyla the skills to carry on her family's recipes or is there another, simpler way to keep them in the family? Maybe getting together with someone who's skilled in the kitchen....

57. Rodney McKay is the diva head chef of a trendy restaurant known for its avant-garde, citrus-free menu. After a disasterous and public confrontation with a food critic, his manager/agent Elizabeth Weir insists that he has to do something to mend his public image, and threatens to book him on a Food Network special.

To avoid that horror, Rodney ends up giving a series of demonstrations at a local cooking school and meets John Sheppard--a self-taught cook trying to start his own pizzeria/sushi bar/taco stand/thing. John's got no discipline, decidedly California sensibilities, and a pastry chef named Ronon Dex. He's also got the audacity to challenge Rodney to a little friendly "competition:" they'll swap restaurants for a set period of time, with free reign to make over the menus, and whoever gets the better reviews (from a critic Rodney hasn't insulted recently) gets bragging rights and a full-page newspaper ad paid for by the loser.

Elizabeth thinks it's a charming idea, but Rodney is just out to prove that his classical cuisine reigns supreme. Can both restaurants survive the swap?
claimed by summertea (artist)

58. It takes a certain sort of nuts to make a career out of trying to contain something that will always, always be more powerful than you. This is what it's like to fight wildland fires, especially in the U.S., where sixty years of short-sighted fire suppression policies have turned fire-dependent ecosystems into literal tinderboxes. Rodney is a fire ecologist brought in by the USDA Forest service to do site analysis of a particularly vulnerable forest. John's a search-and-rescue pilot who flies in the smoke jumpers; he's also been assigned to take Rodney on survey fly-overs when things are calm. Weir's head of Fire and Aviation Management (or some other kind of coordinator/overseer), and the smokejumpers include Teyla, Ronon, Lorne, Cadman ... (Basically, this is a scenario that has room for anyone in the ensemble cast who you want to write in.)

When fire season starts, it's just a matter of time before lightning strikes, or someone drops a cigarette or sets up an illegal campsite. And when it happens, all anyone can do is move fast, try to control it, and hope -- for good luck, a miracle, a brilliant idea, or just to make it out alive.

Want to know what you'd be getting into? Check out the National Smokejumper Association (or the Wikipedia article on smokejumpers), the USDA's Wildland Fire and Fuels Research and Development Strategic Plan, or Cry Cry Cry's version of Cold Missouri Waters, a song about the Mann Gulch Fire of 1949.
claimed by sheafrotherdon (writer), also claimed by thisissirius (writer), also claimed by lilacevans (artist), also claimed by aesc (artist)

Canon AU Prompts
1. Lorne has only wanted one man since coming to Atlantis: Rodney McKay. Unfortunately, McKay seems to only have eyes--or at least, affection words, for John Sheppard. He deduces that being called a "space slut" by Rodney McKay loosely translates to "I love you". And so he has one goal: to make Rodney call him a slut and win him forever!

The problem is, Lorne is too gentlemanly as a whore. He sleeps with men, he sleeps with women, he sleeps with as many people as he can on the expidition...and no one badmouthes him. In fact, they all think he's so polite and thoughtful up to, during, and after sex that they're quite agreeable with a simple one-night stand. A foul reputation isn't forming, and even worse, Rodney still hasn't noticed him.

Who does Lorne have to sleep with in order to win the heart of Rodney McKay? And poor Colonel Sheppard wonders why HE'S considered a slut for sleeping with two ascended women, and Lorne is still the good little soldier? Will Rodney ever realize just how beneficial his ignorance has been for the rest of the Atlantis crew (except Teyla, damnit! She just misses her turn with the Major).

2. After two long years of running, Ronon Dex finally comes to a planet which has healers who are willing to attempt the removal of the Wraith tracking device from his back. The planet's newly elected leader, Teyla Emmagan, wants to offer him a place with them once he's recovered, a chance at a new life-but Ronon doesn't know if he can stay with them.

3. We've seen what Rod from the Mensa!AU is like, and we've been given some tantalising hints about the other members of his team in the Mensa!verse-enough, surely, to make us wonder how they work together on missions, and just how much of a headache their reports give Liz Weir?
claimed by ceitie (writer)

4. When Rodney is scratched by the huge mutant bug-human-monster thing in "Vengeance," Something Bad Happens--"Conversion"-esque mutation? Death? At the end of the episode he seems okay, and the injury doesn't come up in "First Strike," but what if...

5. Teyla remains under the control of the Wraith queen in "Submerged."

6. As the Wraith siege of Atlantis intensifies, they manage to capture some Atlanteans-among them, Lt Aiden Ford. Rather than kill him as they do the rest of his men, they make him a Runner for their own amusement-never suspecting that he'll team up with an older Runner, Ronon Dex, and succeed in making life hell for them.
claimed by greenconverses (writer)

7. (Based on the dotcom!verse from SG-1 10.13) The newspapers say that Rodney McKay is a wealthy high-tech industrialist; those who know him call him a dot-com millionaire smart-ass. Forced to join the SGC as a Special Advisor, he reluctantly works for a president he loathes-and even more reluctantly, at first, he begins to work with Major John Sheppard, the USAF officer dedicated to helping bring down a corrupt and misguided government from the inside.
claimed by gblvr (artist)

8. The one in which Rodney is a medical doctor. Of course as a kid, he would have been all into physics and stuff, but then his mother (or maybe Jeannie) got cancer and died. And Rodney got pissed at the doctors b/c they couldn't fix this so he resolved to become a brilliant doctor and find a cure, so no one else would have to suffer the loss that he did. So he went to medical school and got a M.D./Ph.D. and became an oncologist with a focus on research and made major breakthroughs in his field. And he was recruited to go to Atlantis b/c hello! new galaxy and all sorts of new organisms and compounds to isolate and new drugs to create! But then there's the wraith and everyone's just so focused on survival and there are way more wounded people than they ever planned so Rodney also works in the infirmary brushing up his emergency room skills. Where he has zero bedside manner and is so scary that people (excepting Sheppard) make a concentrated effort not to get hurt. But John finds excuses to drop by the infirmary to get band-aids and whatnot and sometimes takes Mckay out on missions to get samples.

9. Instead of lying to Michael at the beginning, Carson and the others tell him about the Wraith, and how he used to be one. He is angsty, but overall cooperative. He bonds with Teyla over the fact that she has Wraith DNA. However, many people (especially Ronon) are still highly distrustful of him and he's kept under heavy guard on Atlantis.

What happens next is up to you. I'd be happy to see him win them over, or them still make enough mistakes in their treatment of him that he betrays them anyway.

10. After his third capture attempt by rogue Genii agents, Lorne decides to get some training. He tries Ronon (get his ass kicked), tries Teyla (get his ass kicked even more) and finally tries martial arts videos (gets him to the infirmary with pulled tendons). There's no hope...except for the rumor.

There's a ninja on Atlantis, one whose stealth, strength, and speed are spoken of in hushed tones even by John Sheppard. No one knows who he is, or how he came to be, only that he's Atlantis' last, best hope against an invasion. It is this person Lorne strives to meet, but how?

Fortunately, Rodney McKay is a very observant man, and Canadians always stick together. Can Chuck teach Lorne the ways of the ninja? And what happens when Lorne starts having feelings for the mysterious dialing technician?

11. DOT COM AU. Rodney and Lorne bond over Sam's death and discover they have a lot more in common than just Sam. Romance ensues...and then Rodney discovers that their Sam might not be dead after all. Can be a threesome or end up McKay/Lorne.

12. Sheppard's headcold clears up a few days before visiting Lucius Lavin's planet, leaving him just as susceptible to Lucius' drug as everyone else. When Major Lorne's team radios in a few days later, the entire base is at Lucius' whim and it's up to Lorne and his team to (hilariously) save the day.

13. The people of Earth have found out about the stargate and are now demanding more information about the program. When Congress cuts funding for the SGC, essentially holding it for ransom until more information is released, the Department of Homeworld Security decides to kill two birds with one stone and creates a government sanctioned docudrama about Atlantis, titled Letters From Pegasus.

Camera crews are sent to Atlantis and the footage is sent back through the gate every two weeks. The Department of Homeworld Security goes through the footage, edits any sensitive materials, and then gives it to stations to broadcast. Unaware of the success of the show, the team visits Earth and Rodney blows their cover when he argues with someone about the finer "plot details" of the show. The fannish mayhem then ensues.

LFP airs for an hour on most networks each Tuesday and Thursday. The first episode earned the highest ratings in television history and continues to be a "must-see" television event. The online community is enormous and scary, and the SGC makes all their money from advertising and merchandise sales.
claimed by aesc (writer), also claimed by girlnamedpixley (artist)

14. In cold war Europe, young Radek Zelenka is an assistant on a top secret Russian experiment. Running routine tests late one night, the experiment unexpectedly works -- or something happens anyway, as two men appear in the beam. Two naked men... in a, uh, compromising position, one of whom starts raving about "Atlantis" and "time travel." Fortunately, the young Czech doesn't much like the Russians, so he hides the two men (and gives them clothes). Can John and Rodney (or pairing of your choice) convince Radek that they're from the future? Can Rodney and Radek figure out how to send them back? Can they successfully evade the Russians and use the Russian lab without sending Radek to prison? Is this why Radek has always known just a little bit more about John and Rodney (or pairing of your choice) than has seemed possible?
claimed by wojelah (writer)

15. Anubis succeeded in blowing up the Antarctic stargate in "Redemption," decimating most of North America and dooming Earth to a slow death by nuclear winter. The Russian government takes a leadership role in evacuating the Tauri to other worlds through the Giza gate, while searching the galaxy for a way to save the planet.

Rodney McKay was mysteriously never recalled to the SGC to deal with the
attack, and as Earth's last remaining gate expert he's one of the most influential scientists in the program. John Sheppard, stationed in Afghanistan at the time of the explosion, was promoted rapidly through what remains of the US military and has ended up liasing with the Russians. The two of them have nothing in common except their ties to a blasted continent...and some mysterious visions, from people who should've died in the blast, guiding them towards the Lost City of the Ancients and the terraforming technology that could one day heal their world. Can they work together to find Atlantis? Can they convince the Russian government to send an expedition? And why wasn't Rodney recalled to the SGC, anyway?
claimed by eleveninches (writer)

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