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herzherzogtum February 10 2012, 18:40:55 UTC
[Austria is in a quiet room by himself, idly plucking at the strings on a lute- Spain's?- as he waits. He's been there for some time, with a servant occasionally checking on him and bringing him things, and frankly he's bored out of his mind. Even so, he's loath to leave the room, because he's not at all sure of his way around and has no desire to explore alone. For months he hasn't set foot in Spain's dominion, attending to affairs in his own house; it's only now that his partner is expected home that he's come to visit, unwilling to wait for Spain to come to him ( ... )


diosorogloria February 11 2012, 08:50:39 UTC
[The visit does surprise Spain. It's not always that Austria actually comes down to meet him. Usually, he's the one who goes and pays visits, complete with gifts, of course. For now, he bares no gifts in his hands, though those can come later once he's settled himself. He's definitely not above spoiling his partner. It's actually something he enjoys and he always makes sure to make time and pick his gifts himself with utmost care ( ... )


herzherzogtum February 11 2012, 15:28:06 UTC
[If there's one thing Austria won't complain about- and it really is one thing, because God knows he loves to complain- it's Spain's generosity. He finds himself in a perpetual snare between his love of decadence and his own miserliness, so it comes in handy.

Skilled hands they are indeed but they're hardly trying just now, doing no more with the instrument than a common street performer might; like a fitful child unable to attend his lessons, Austria has little capacity to concentrate now. He also has little capacity to notice anything around him, apparently. His ears are sharp, inhumanly so, but his awareness is unfortunately not.

So it's a surprise, then, one that makes him wrench a strangled note from the lute as he jumps in shock. He stops and stares for a moment, before getting his bearings.]

Spanien! ...Wh- you've arrived, then.


diosorogloria February 12 2012, 14:10:11 UTC
I have. [Spain responds easily, smiling in fond amusement at the surprise. With that, he enters the room, gaze on Austria alone, busy with taking in all that he can see of him. It has been a long couple of months and of course he's missed his partner. He and Austria may have their differences, but they've grown close enough to be attached. Austria isn't one to reach out physically, but Spain always has been and so it's with care and gentleness that he reaches out to take the other's hands first when he's near enough. He longs to take the Austrian into his arms, but he's learned that doing so so suddenly and fervently isn't the best way to go about such things.]

I've missed you. [A gentle squeeze before he lifts those paler, smoother hands to his lips to kiss over them affectionately, smiling emerald green eyes still locked to the other's.] I apologize for taking too long.


herzherzogtum February 12 2012, 14:24:28 UTC
[Spain's stare makes him fidget, face flushing slightly, though he strives to maintain that aloof air he always has about him; he hasn't quite grown into that composed demeanour yet, and sometimes it slips off like overlarge garments. For his part, his eyes flicker over skin more tanned than ever and all the subtle differences the time at sea has wrought, and it makes him feel oddly young in comparison.

Contrary to the attempted disaffection in his voice, his hands are quick to settle in Spain's, and his face sports a deeper blush still- his body is intent on betraying him.]

Yes, well. You might have been more timely about it, tsk. I mean- that is to say- welcome back. Home.

Ah...I did miss your company at times.

[Getting a sincere welcome from him is like pulling teeth, but he pulls himself together enough to quickly peck his husband's cheek, immediately regretting how awkward it was and wishing for a clavichord instead, to better express himself.]


diosorogloria February 12 2012, 14:40:48 UTC
[For all his attempts at composure and poise, it seems that Spain has always had an unsettling effect on his partner. Austria does his best, but the signs are there: flushed cheeks, relaxed hands and awkward cheek-kisses. It's endearing and cute and it makes Spain smile even more warmly, happily. The kiss he takes as an invitation and so he draws the other more into his arms, ever watchful of his strength. Perhaps Austria may be more robust than he projects, but Spain doesn't want to take chances. He's trying to express affection, not break his spouse into half.]

Thank you. [And he is very grateful.] I didn't expect you to come down here, though. It's a wonderful surprise. [They're close, closer than they have been after so long. Austria feels delicate and warm in his arms and he holds him still with care, unable to look away from him. He returns the kiss to Austria's cheek, closer to his lips, more naturally done and lingering longer.] Are you comfortable? I sure hope the servants are serving you to your liking.


herzherzogtum February 12 2012, 14:55:59 UTC
[When one is in charge of a huge dominion, one tries to put up a mature front, no matter how young one actually is. It's bound to fall apart at times, particularly when confronted with marriage and what it entails.

He freezes as Spain draws him close, but he quickly relaxes, half-collapsing against him as the familiar comfort overrides any misgivings. His fingers clutch soft fabric and he buries his face in Spain's shoulder in response to the kiss, breathing in his scent. As a result his reply is rather muffled, which is regrettably undignified.]

I was bored at home. I thought it would be interesting here. Hmph, well, I'm not sure about the food but I suppose it has been fine.

[And he has no complaints about the regular hot chocolate.]


diosorogloria February 12 2012, 15:10:10 UTC
[He's there to catch him, of course, arms coming around him securely. This is his duty from the first, to lend Austria his strength, to give him his protection. The love and affection came later and Spain is glad for it. He wouldn't have been able to stand the union if he didn't feel even a twinge of tender feeling towards his spouse. Again, they are too different, but somehow, things worked.]

[A soft laugh escapes him at Austria's words. A hand, rough and sword-calloused, lifts and holds protectively over the back of the other's head before he presses another kiss to his temple, this one a touch rougher and intent with happiness. The words don't hurt him as he's used to them.] I have informed the cooks before hand how you like your food. I should remind them of it again, then. What else would you like to eat, corazon? [Spain relishes having the opportunity to say the endearment once more.] Tell me and I'll make sure they make it for you the way you like it.


herzherzogtum February 12 2012, 15:19:15 UTC
[Though he'd protest the accusation, the truth is that Austria responds best to those entirely unlike himself; it was inevitable he would come to enjoy the union, desperately as he tries not to show it.

He allows himself to revel quietly in the affectionate touches, something he missed sorely- for all his prickliness he loves to hold and be held, though more often than not he'll protest that it's 'inappropriate'; he's truly his own worst judge.]

Perhaps a little less spice and sea creatures and a little more sweetness, if it's no trouble. ...How have you been faring, anyway? Are you in good health?

[If he weren't such a stubborn mule he'd enjoy the cuisine perfectly, but, well. He's too used to eating dessert for dinner.]


diosorogloria February 13 2012, 01:49:53 UTC
[Spain nods at the instructions. They're familiar ones, but it wouldn't hurt for the staff to be reminded of them, especially now that Austria is in residence.]

I was tired when I arrived. [He admits, turning his head a little so he can smile to, or more accurately against, Austria. His spouse's cheek is soft, a bit of a contrast against his rougher skin and when he nuzzles against it, he does it with tender gentleness still.] But now I don't feel it. It must be because you're here.

[Austria's very presence makes it all go away. At least for now.]


herzherzogtum February 13 2012, 02:00:29 UTC
[Don't worry, Austria will remind them again and again if needs be, until they ban him from the kitchen.]

D-don't be silly. I cannot make tiredness disappear. You ought to rest.

[He turns his head slightly, peeking up at Spain; embarrassed but rather touched. And obviously, stubbornly intent on getting Spain to take care of himself. He distrusts the sea- he knows there are things in it- and he's half-expecting his spouse to collapse from some belated sickness at any moment. Needless to say he's a little paranoid.]


diosorogloria February 13 2012, 02:19:15 UTC
[It always makes him feel warm whenever Austria insists about his care and health. He likes being doted upon, much as he likes doting on others. Someone doting on him isn't a usual thing and he soaks it up like a sponge.]

[He still has his arms around the other Nation, not quite yet prepared to let him go far from him after being separated for months.] Will you stay with me if I do?

[It's not really a condition as it is an invitation. He'll go to rest whether Austria goes with him or not. Spain does love his siestas when he can have them. It just would be much more comforting and restful, however, if Austria's just an arm's length away when he does.]


herzherzogtum February 13 2012, 02:27:17 UTC
[It's in his nature to fret, despite being used to being spoiled and pampered himself. He makes a good nurse at times.

And he has no real desire to object; he's far too comfortable in Spain's arms, despite his token grumbling.]

Ah...if it will help, then yes, I suppose. ...There won't be people around, will there?

[He's more than willing to rest with him- he's easily tired, and will sleep at any time- but even though they're quite within their rights to go to bed together, he still feels awkward doing so when there are people around to comment on it. It's not that he intends to do anything more than sleep- somehow it's strange doing...things like that in Spain's house, he feels like a guest here- but you know, people talk. It's embarrassing. He's such a teenager.]


diosorogloria February 13 2012, 02:42:15 UTC
[His smile softens at the question and he gives Austria another kiss, this one gentler and doting.] I'll have my steward make sure no one comes into our wing until morning unless called for.

[He understands Austria's shyness and he respects it. That respect is the reason why he continues to be careful with him in most everything, doing his best to temper his usual impulsive behavior. It's probably also true that he does it to spoil his spouse as he likes to do.]

Shall we go? [Spain again lifts one of Austria's hands, kissing over those skilled fingers gently. He wouldn't say 'no' to them doing... things, as Austria would put them, but he could wait until the other allows it. Besides, he needs his rest first.]


herzherzogtum February 13 2012, 03:05:01 UTC
[He's almost tempted to lean up and make that a kiss on the lips, surprising himself with the realisation of how much he missed physical contact with Spain like this, but he resists.]

Ah. Good. Very well, then...y-yes.

[He nods, allowing Spain a moment to play with his fingers before shyly slipping them between the other's, giving them a slight squeeze; they're rougher and more robust than his, though not as long and flexible, as far as he can tell. They are...familiar, but they feel slightly different, perhaps just because he forgot their details.]

Let's go, then.


diosorogloria February 13 2012, 03:24:26 UTC
[He nods at that, distracting himself from the happy little thrill he feels at Austria giving his hand a little squeeze. It's always a charming realization how he reacts to Austria's little expressions of affection. He likes the warmth and excitement of it. Perhaps this really is love that he feels and that just makes him happy, blessed.]

[With that, he gently tugs Austria away to his, their, wing of his favorite home. The mansion is not as big and sprawling as the one he has in Cadiz, but it's the house closest to the docks and he likes to think of it as the welcoming respite after coming from the chaos from the rest of the world. Hardly anyone bothers them as they make their way through the halls. His steward is efficient and always knows how things must be when there are guests. Spain doesn't really need to tell him that they desired not to be disturbed or interrupted as he and Austria spend the night together.]

Have you had dinner? [He asks then, glancing to Austria who walks by his side.] I can have some sent up.


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