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anonymous May 13 2013, 07:35:08 UTC
to continue the elite level discussion from #19

say from 20insp, who would you say is low, mid, and high?

12feethigh, 24_amends, 750virago, _puchula_, _veronique, a_fast_machine, a_thari, absolutelybatty, afeastforme, alexsuami, aliasledger, alice_trip, alisea_dream, ancientwhispers, angelamaria, annalou_lilith, appleindecay, applepips16, arctic_flower, before_water, biliki, bitterbird, blue_emotion, blueymcphluey, bossygenius, boxed, burntheflaws, burymyregret, bussbuss, calrissian18, capelle, caramelmilk_t, cent, charmingthrone, christinaa88, colourmayfade, cookiestome, cosmicfish, curtainclose, daleksaresexy, dancelies, darlingheart, dashberlin, daydreamshole, daynawashere, deadwillwalk, delorentoes, deny1984, deternot, dizzyknee, dudette_in_town, dunhammed, duveins, earlydreams, electrical_s, elleaf, elli, enriana, ensanglante, erzsebet, eva_1102, evangelin1202, everrdeadly, ex_absolute, fancifull, far_to_nowhere, feel_the_fire, fever_heat, flechero, fouroux, fprintmoon, frickkonastick, fulminant, fuuurs, geckoholic, ( ... )


anonymous May 13 2013, 09:14:59 UTC

don't know them either. although when i was trying this exercise i did have a section on "don't really know them much/don't have an opinion".


anonymous May 13 2013, 12:33:46 UTC

Disagree on daleksaresexy, vintagic and liesmiths. IMO they're midlevel elite because don't produce even half as many duds as the other lowlevel elites mentioned. Even if their style is not really to my taste, their execution is totally solid.


anonymous May 14 2013, 01:20:23 UTC
Totally disagree with justmyb0nes being LOW elite.


anonymous May 14 2013, 01:39:58 UTC
Why not? She makes the same basic icons all the time. She never seems to experiment much. Same coloring, hardly ever any text. Pretty bland and basic. *shrug*


anonymous May 13 2013, 09:24:35 UTC
So I've been trying and giving up on this exercise for a bit. The last one made me think--how much, really, does hype and social presence affect how I think about makers? There are definitely folks who I'd know right off which level I think they are, but a good chunk of people I honestly have no idea where I would put them. Like the anon who disagreed with the other anon on putting people in mid-level when they were "clearly" low. Thinking about it, I can see why these folks would fall under low, but if I was the anon who posted their list, I'd probably have put some of those on medium too. Like, my first pass, I put daleksaresexy on low, but the next pass I put her on mid. And I waffled about putting daydreamshole on low, wondering if my dislike of her attitude was coloring my assessment.

I mean, it's definitely easier when you have a handy list of their icons in front of you, but based on recollection I'd be hard-pressed to actually rate some folks.

(Which is why I gave up.)


anonymous May 13 2013, 10:52:23 UTC
ia with the anon above that it's really hard to judge. kept changing my mind around mid/low level makers so decided to focus on who in my opinion are the "high level elites"

legends: burymyregret, longerthanwedo, motorized, ofraindrops, pamkips, prettybutt, regis, sarisafari

high elites with hype/popularity: absolutelybatty, dashberlin, erzsebet, fouroux, fprintmoon, fuuurs, juanxyo, justmyb0nes, likealight, mm3butterfly, phaust_, raiindust, talipuu, vetica, wildpages

getting there or should be there but not enough hype/popularity yet: alisea_dream, appleindecay, boxed, burntheflaws, daynawashere, hauntes, hopeitallaway, iulieki, mancalahour, naginis, nottiem, ofthesea, oviedo, pointblankdarcy, theotherayn, tunaeverynight

the ones that got went away: gigglemonster, blueymcphluey, bussbuss, ieatstickers, navras_rheya, schmiss, takethewords, thewonderlife, wild_sibyl, xmaidelx


anonymous May 13 2013, 11:23:34 UTC
best list


anonymous May 13 2013, 11:29:41 UTC
You nailed it perfectly imo.


anonymous May 14 2013, 01:41:18 UTC
Pretty happy that blueymcphluey 'got away'. His icons were fucking awful. He's fantastic at photography, not icons. They always looked like something threw up on them.


anonymous May 14 2013, 03:14:08 UTC
+ 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999


anonymous May 14 2013, 03:19:21 UTC
GOD, I KNOW RIGHT? Seeing somebody do something they enjoy is downright PAINFUL unless the result is something that pertains to my personal taste. I mean, it's not like LJ and the internet in general give people a way to, idk, like avoid looking at certain things. Sheesh.


anonymous May 14 2013, 06:25:17 UTC

Like every maker here he had awful icons but he also had truly amazing icons. I can vividly remember a few of them right now. And you can't argue that he had great influence in the iconmaking world during his peak.


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