Title: Nine Shades of Red Part 1/9
Author: Anon_Fangirl
Rating:PG-13 for this part, it will probably go up to R or NC-17 later
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt
Genre: Romance, Friendship, A bit of Angst
Warning: Some bad language
Spoilers: Everything that's aired is fair game (up to 3X04 at this point)
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or its
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Comments 6
Gay Porn: A great way to get over homophobia.
Now there's a slogan if ever I've heard one!
...who fixed all my tenses and shames me inspires me with her crazy superhuman writing abilities
Yeah. That's pretty much how I feel when Caroline looks at my stuff. But an honest, knowledgable beta makes all the difference, doesn't it?
Can't wait to read more!
Best. Slogan. Ever.
Yes, such a huge difference! I honestly wasn't sure I would post until she had at 'er.
This was super cute. I liked that it took a visual aid for Puck to understand he was feeling guilt.
I’ve pretty much used up my talking/feeling/emotions quota for one day
I particularly enjoyed this line. It made me giggle. I look forward to the next installment!
I'm glad it made you giggle! I was trying really hard to keep it from getting to disgustingly sweet.
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