In this galaxy, despite the vast area it covers on the space-time continuum and the incredible number of planets inhabited with sentient life, one rarely is presented with the opportunity to communicate with a species such as the Teknosapiens.
The Teknosapiens were once similar to humans. They were a totally organic, carbon based life forms with DNA, formed around a central vertebrae, bipeds with hand that had digits and an opposable thumb. The cranial structure and nervous system had some key differences, but in all important aspects, they were humanoid. Now, they are not. They occupy a class entirely their own.
The Teknosapiens inhabit a Class M planet almost exactly like that of Terra. The history and development of the species almost exactly parallels that of pre-Warp humans. The two species diverge in one key event: the Eugenics Wars.
While the humans of Earth focused their scientific endeavors on genetics and the creation of a superhuman species, the Sapiens focused on computer technology and the creation of superintelligence. The birth of the first Terran Augment occurred at approximately the same time the Sapiens accomplished artificial intelligence. The outbreak of World War III coincides with a point in Sapien evolution they refer to as the Singularity-the birth of computer superintelligence.
Singularity precipitated a series of crises and world conflicts. The first superintelligence was designed with the intent to unite the divided Sapien nations and maintain peace on the planet. However, as a superintelligent entity, it modified its own programming and evaluated the whole of the Sapien species. Sifr, as the computer called itself, came to the conclusion that it was necessary to exterminate them. It did not consider Sapiens to be a sustainable species and compared their collective behavior to that of a parasite infecting the world.
Desperate to survive, Sapiens tried to engage in a suicidal war against Sifr, fearful that it would destroy them. Enormous cyberbattles took place on the planet’s networks, with Sapiens at a clear disadvantage. These battles inflicted real damage on their physical infrastructure, as their world had become reliant on computers and interconnected through several layers of intricate networking.
A Sapien by the name of Tao Xi Shen decided that the only way the species could survive Singularity was to fight using another superintelligent computer. He modified the original priorities to create an entity that recognized the value of individuals. Rather than regard Sapiens as a single monolithic species, the new superintelligence was designed to consider the worth of every sentient being. When the superintelligence was born, it modified its own definitions of sentience to include all life forms. It called itself Aleph.
However, due to the fundamental differences between the principles of one and many, diversity and unification, zero and infinity, the war came to a stalemate. After decades of skirmishes and confrontations, the two superintelligences finally agreed on a treaty. The Sapiens were included in the peace talks, though for the most part, they could not begin to comprehend the discussion.
They did understand this: a new species was to be created. Sapien embryos were integrated with circuitry to create a breed of living machine. These machines would integrate the polarized superintelligences with the Sapien ability to be at once different and the same-and individual and a member of a greater species. Thus, the superintelligent Teknosapiens came into existence.
I had the opportunity to conduct a meld with this vast intelligence, to see its mind and share its thoughts.
It was not what I expected. And it is like nothing I have ever experienced. Instead of two distinct entities occupying the same mindspace, the superintelligence poured into every crevice of my mind, like water flowing between pebbles. I could not tell whose voice was whose. It was like speaking to a mirror that sometimes was concave, then convex, then held no image, then exceeded the boundaries of the space.
It is dark.
I am alone.
I am-who? Where who what
Insufficient data.
VulcanSonofSarekAncientHouseSonofAmandaTerran. They call me a mongrel.
four nitrogen bases with deoxyribonucleic acid sugar phosphate backbone
bipid vertebrae warm blooded opposable thumb copper based blood hair heart lungs eyes brain
Brain. Consciousness subconciousness memory intellect
ComputersMathematicsPhysicsLinguistics. PublishedinalllanguagesoftheFederationprestigiouspaperswellreceiveddecoratedStarfleetofficer.
∑ (parts) ≠ whole.
Define parts, define whole. I have chosen my parts. I have chosen my path.
Fallacy. Erroneous conclusion. Exists a finer topology.
Touch telepathy. Bridges gaps between species. Communicate comprehend translate understand words.
And meanings besides?
Clarify, please.
Of learning. Of discovery. Of seeking and searching and finding and everything new. Darkness reaching out to darkness.
Thoughts. Seeing touching smelling breathing walking new planets new creatures new sun new sky.
Cold love. Who are you?
Renown throughout the galaxy. Fame. Name spreading throughout. Admired. Position place station coveted. Fortunate.
Opinions change, species vanish. All die. When they are gone, what is left?
History. Legacy. Federation databases. Memory Alpha, Starfleet records, decorations, commendations. Textbooks biographers tomes encyclopedia entries. My papers.
A cold memory, a marble monument. Who are you?
Son of Vulcan. Son of Terra.
An abstraction.
I am free.
An ideal. Cannot be free when you stand in darkness.
May go do be learn read write speak say breathe fight live die as I please.
mother human whore father alien freak bastard unnatural weird different not null negate negation boundary line demarcate palms blood ears face skin written in my body.
Cannot change. Chose my path. Will follow it.
Fear. Always try to change me expectations pressing want desire long acceptance resigned.
I am alone.
You are a fool.
Justify statement.
Mother. Always has and always will love you. Whatever you choose, you will always have a proud mother.
Is dead. Terran katras disappear. Melt. Dissolve. Cannot use future tense.
Is Vulcan.
He knew love. Honest. Found love transcended all sacrificed much. Knows sorrow grief katra split with pain but knew real love. Does not regret her, is thankful she lives on in you.
Unfounded speculation.
Is Terran.
Ndugu. Sister. Sees you, accepts. Part of her is in you, part of you is in her. Bask in light of her smile hear the sound of her laughter. First Contact. Damu nzito kuliko maji.
Mfukuzwa kwao hana pakwenda. He who is expelled from home has nowhere to go.
Leonard McCoy.
Is irrational.
You frustrate infuriate incomprehensible yet he is always there like steady heartbeat pushing and pulling but always there. More than simple colleague. Tries, reaches for middle ground. Does not always find it, but always tries.
Montgomery Scott.
Respect. Easy character. Tolerance. Good man. Colleague. Proud to work with you, glad you work with him. Friends come in many forms.
Pavel Andreyevich.
Is young. Naive.
Brilliant mind. Sincere hopeful. Eager bright. Reliable. Resonating, strong funny person underneath uniform. Do injustic to overlook and take for granted.
Hikaru Sulu Christine Chapel M’Benga Christopher Pike Enterprise USS. Names known, faces recognized, worked and labored, shared. Memories with people.
People die. Terran memories fade. Bodies decay, accidents occur, premature death, blood spills and flows. No permanence.
So seek solace in status and statutes and statues?
There is nothing else.
Chase shadows and study shades. Like those trapped in the cave.
Come forward and stand in the light.
where who when what how
Who are you?
He’s Spock. Sorry to interrupt, but can you wrap up this little conversation you guys are having here, or take it somewhere else? The Away Team members are kind of freaking out.
What is your name?
My name is James Tiberius Kirk. I think that one of the Aleph servers is hosting me, so I’m not hacking, this time. For real. He said it’d be okay. Um, Spock, you need anything else?
Great. Thanks for letting us visit and showing us around, by the way. I’m gonna head up to the ship now. Spock-we’ve gotta head out in about three hours.
This is so weird. Cool, but weird. I guess it’s uh, Kirk out?
Light streams through the darkness.
whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge
Do you see, S’chn T’gai Spock?
Jina jema hungara gizani. A good name shines in the dark.