New vid: Scar Tissue (The O.C.)

Aug 20, 2013 23:12

Title: Scar Tissue
Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Fandom: The OC S1-4
Focus: Ryan, Ryan/Seth
Summary: With the birds I'll share this lonely view.
Content Notes: Brief clips of sexual assault and violence
Notes: Made for obsessive24 for Vividcon Auction 2013. Thanks to obsessive24 for the beta as well!
Download Link: Scar Tissue (74 MB AVI)
AO3 | TumblrSo Nicky was an ( Read more... )

vidding, vividcon, the oc, my vids

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Comments 16

indybaggins August 21 2013, 11:17:54 UTC
I really loved this, is there a version for download somewhere? never mind, I should have looked better ;)


anoel September 14 2013, 21:21:43 UTC
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)


darlulu August 21 2013, 21:25:23 UTC
Ouch, right in the Ryan feels. But seriously, I loved this!


anoel September 14 2013, 21:21:59 UTC
Hee, I know what you mean! Thanks :)


obsessive24 August 21 2013, 22:01:21 UTC
Download link is broken! (I managed to get it from the AO3 page though ( ... )


obsessive24 August 21 2013, 22:01:37 UTC
2:09 - Ryan hands the toy car over to Seth. I can read not too much into this, but equally I could read a lot into it. I love that there is freedom of ambiguity there ( ... )


killabeez August 22 2013, 16:53:44 UTC
This made me so happy. I love the RHCP for Ryan. Perfect match!


anoel September 14 2013, 21:22:31 UTC
Awww yay, glad you enjoyed! So glad Nicky gave me the great song for him!


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