New vid: Pumped Up Kicks (Veronica Mars)

May 28, 2013 23:55

So this is a long delayed auction vid I made for saeva who has been super patient with me as I struggled with clipping her former idea for me (which I'm still going to do cause it's awesome!) and then gave me this awesome idea instead for Veronica Mars which I've wanted to vid for years. Veronica Mars S1 is one of my favorite seasons of television and I've watched it so many times and yet it never gets old. I had a lot of fun rewatching while clipping this and falling in love with Veronica all over again, my former favorite female character ever. I've wanted to vid something like this before and I was super stoked to hear this awesome remix as in there are some different lyrics than the original. I had meant to post the lyrics that I wrote down myself but I can't find it on my computer so it'll have to wait til later. Anyways the vid basically vidded itself and it was great fun to make it. I was happy to hear the Wiscon theme of gender and technology as I thought this vid would fit very well. I'm glad I finally finished it!

Title: Pumped Up Kicks
Music: Rubbe Rayne remix of Foster the People's Pumped Up Kicks ((
Fandom: Veronica Mars S1
Focus: Veronica
Summary: Veronica Mars gets revenge.
Content Notes: contains sexual assault
Notes: Premiered at Wiscon 2013. Thanks to lolachrome and saeva for the beta.

Link: Pumped Up Kicks (83 MB)

Streaming: Pumped Up Kicks streaming
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veronica mars, wiscon, vidding, my vids

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