The Olympics of life (no my life isn't that epic)

Aug 02, 2012 20:54

Wow it's been awhile. But some kind of update is in order. Most importantly, VIVIDCON IS IN A WEEK!!! I'm still in shock that I'll be in Chicago this time next week. I'll be at the hotel sometime around 5pm or so and I can't hang wait to hang out with people! Not to mention get a ton of my favorite Pad Thai ;) I just can't wait for CLUB VIVID and ( Read more... )

los angeles, one direction, vidding, vividcon, real life, personal, the glee project, fic rec, olympics, breaking bad, vid rec, gymnastics, game of thrones, the la complex

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Comments 5

kerithwyn August 3 2012, 12:50:00 UTC
This post makes me smile--so glad things are going well for you! It'll be great to see you in Chicago--and point me at that good pad thai, om nom nom. :D


anoel August 8 2012, 19:25:16 UTC
I look forward to seeing you too! I will most definitely lead you there :)


darlulu August 3 2012, 16:49:01 UTC
Glad things are going so well for you right now and have fun at Vividcon!

Oh, and I lovedlovedloved how Gabby just nailed all her routines and won gold. I kinda felt the media had given her a bum deal in the lead up to all-around and kept focusing on Jordyn too much for my liking, but I'm over it now that she won motherfucking gold with her flawlessness.


anoel August 8 2012, 19:26:22 UTC
Thanks! I wish you'd come one year...

SAME!!! Oh trust me, I will be vidding my anger at the media but mostly ALL the Gabby feels and aweomeness. She changed the narrative, yay!


daybreak777 August 9 2012, 02:01:53 UTC
Gabby and the other women rocked it. Especially Gabby. :-)

Hope you made it to VVC okay and are having a great time!


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