
Mar 31, 2010 15:01

Trufax: after listening to Kanye West for five years, it took me until my roadtrip back to NY to realize that Chi-town = Chicago. Yeeeah. But that's where I'm going! Tonight I'm leaving to go to Chicago to see Johnny Weir skate to BAD ROMANCE! Gaaahh I'm so excited I can't even. Plus the seats are general admission so I'm going to get there super ( Read more... )

nurse jackie, project runway, the wire, ugly betty, treme, the office, rl, in treatment, johnny weir, united states of tara, breaking bad, glee, the west wing, modern family, american idol

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Comments 9

raptor47 March 31 2010, 20:29:06 UTC
I adore In Treatment. Like you, I watched the first episode and was not at all impressed, but at some point I decided to give it another try and became close to obsessed with it. Unfortunately I was watching S1 on In-Demand and for some reason the last several episodes never aired. I keep meaning to Netflix it. Is the 2nd season as good as the first?

Oh, and YAY for Johnny Weir!!! Have fun at the show!


anoel April 8 2010, 00:59:33 UTC
It really does addict you. You should finish the season as it's great. And yes, I've only seen like 5 episodes of S2 but it's pretty good so far and there is some followup from S1.

I did! It was great :)


deejay March 31 2010, 22:40:05 UTC
Johnny Weir = YAY! \o/


anoel April 8 2010, 00:59:53 UTC
He was yay! And I blew kisses for both of us! :D


tinted_glass April 1 2010, 06:35:12 UTC
The Breaking Bad S2 finale was kind of wtf in that it seemed... at least initially, like a totally random tragedy they inserted so the season could end with a BANG. I kind of like how all the episode titles from the eps with the Pink Bear foreshadow the big event, though. And yeah, the "small actions lead to big ugly consequences" symbolism is a little heavy-handed, but I don't mind it so much on account of enjoying everything else thoroughly. :>


anoel April 8 2010, 01:02:04 UTC
Yeah exactly. I know it was planned which is cool but I hate when shows build up to big things and then it's really some cheap ploy for ratings/attention. And it really does annoy me that it takes away from all the good things in it. I'll probably get over it at some point (a great S3 finale?) but right now I'm still a little pissed. I really wish I had that hiatus between seasons now but what can you do.


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anoel April 8 2010, 01:02:32 UTC
I did!! Oh man he is too perfect <3


trustingno1 April 2 2010, 04:42:36 UTC
Hope you're having fun! :D

I am so ready for Glee to come back, God.


anoel April 8 2010, 01:03:04 UTC
I did! And omg yes. Like it seems it's been forever. I can't wait to enjoy those episodes again!


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