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Comments 72

adze May 23 2010, 09:41:03 UTC
I only ever had a pet unicorn because you forced it on me. And which of us played a character with purple eyes, again?


annwfyn May 23 2010, 09:49:27 UTC
Yeah, but everyone knew that Tegan was a Mary Sue. I even introduced her at the start of games as such.*

*Although I think she had a lot of depth for a shape shifting fairy related kinfolk with a Fianna Legend for a huband, purple eyes and all the appearance traits in the world. If you could get past the purple eyes, at any rate.


colonel_maxim May 23 2010, 10:10:23 UTC
I tend to play either good guys or monsters who think that they are doing what is best for the world. Of all my characters at present, I think that Mr Sleete is the most ambiguous. I confess that I am never sure in my mind whether he is a hero or a villain or, to put it another way, whether he is good man who does bad things or a bad man who occasionally does good things ( ... )


becky_spence May 23 2010, 11:13:30 UTC
But, you know, if you really want to get into beekeeping, Adrianne can make it happen for you :)


morinon May 23 2010, 10:15:49 UTC
For a character I have played once, but wrote up a wonderful story in new Changeling ( ... )


lslaw May 23 2010, 10:44:21 UTC
1) A tendency to trust in others beyond what they deserved, and to not trust in himself, to the point that he would allow bad things to happen because he convinced himself that people would act for the best in the teeth of all available evidence. Of course, this being a passive flaw it rarely showed, at least until the results drove him a little mad and he began speaking up a little too much ( ... )


annwfyn May 23 2010, 10:51:57 UTC
Yes, three people yesterday said to Rosie, in tones of mild horror 'Mort left you his wife.'


lslaw May 23 2010, 12:32:08 UTC
I don't think Mort thought of Trouble as his wife; just as the last of her he had left. For myself, I like to think that the part of her that persisted in the staff departed with Mort, leaving Rosie with a keepsake and something for her protection.

But, you know, Changelings are messed up people.


badgersandjam May 23 2010, 13:15:30 UTC
Rea kind of thinks Trouble should go on the pyre. If necessary, she may say that Trouble requested it...


suave_steve May 23 2010, 10:47:11 UTC
I don't play villains, I just have characters that operate in moral vacuums ;P


annwfyn May 23 2010, 10:50:57 UTC
Yes, we were talking about you and your shotgun carrying response to mortal dilemmas in Forsaken last night. :p


suave_steve May 23 2010, 10:52:25 UTC
Surprisingly few of those have been sorted with a shotgun... kidnapping and sacrificing maybe... :P


My IoD characters annwfyn May 23 2010, 10:48:29 UTC
1) A proper character flaw for your PCs. And not job interview flaws! Real flaws, that makes them not-good people.Rosie - she's a spoilt little princess at times, and all that that entails. Basically, Rosie is a very pretty girl, who has always been treasured and valued and told she's special, even as an object in Arcadia. And it's had predictable results. She's quite bad at looking at things from anyone's point of view other than her own, she is sporadic in noticing other people's suffering and she genuinely doesn't understand, and therefore doesn't make allowances for, an awful lot of other people's vulnerabilities and frailties. They just none of them make sense to her, so she ignores them. And honestly, whilst she has a kind of quickness of mind, she's not necessarily that clever. She's quick, she's bright, but she's horribly ill educated, very scattershot in her mental processes and really has never displayed the focus or concentration to actually remedy any of this ( ... )


Re: My IoD characters annwfyn May 23 2010, 10:49:22 UTC
2) A situation in background, or with NPCs, in which your character has behaved badly.Rosie - she dragged Malachi into the Hedge on a drunken adventure in which they managed to pick up some poor little hob girl, convince her she’d found a husband (without meaning to), and then messed up the engagement party and disrupted a bunch of rituals with epic disregard for the poor girl’s feelings, or any of the cultural values of said hob tribe. And all because Rosie was drunk and thought it would be a good idea, and had no idea of ‘consequences ( ... )


Re: My IoD characters annwfyn May 23 2010, 10:49:58 UTC
4) An uncharitable, but entirely true description of your character - how they could be described by someone who knew them very well, but didn't like them at all.

Rosie - spoilt little princess.

Venice - psychotic junkie.

Rio - stroppy wolf blood.

Ruthie - creepy stalker perfumier.

Rae - dipshit hippy.

5) A redeeming feature about your character.

Rosie - there’s not an ounce of malice in her. She gets angry, she gets fired up, but there’s nothing cruel in her. She doesn’t mean to be mean, she does always really want to do the right thing, even if she doesn’t quite know what it is, and she does love her friends and family very much indeed. She’s hopeful, imaginative, brave and gallant. She just doesn’t really know where she’s going with all that ( ... )


Re: My IoD characters suave_steve May 23 2010, 12:05:00 UTC
Venice - she drugged up a teenage girl in a nightclub and dragged her off to Constantin for a threesome which was of dubious consensuality at best. Basically, she pretty much set up some girl to be date raped, because she was wallowing in her own crazy abuse issues and trying to prove a point to Constantin.

Well we shall see if the point she was proving is getting him murdered for it :P


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